Chapter 14

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{Song in video: Gemini Syndrome - Stardust}

"I can't believe Gwen did that," Katie said as she put her books in the locker.

"I know right? But she didn't mean to. She just doesn't think before she says things. The main thing is me and Jace had a good time," I said.

"Oh yeah speaking about Tyler...Does he know about you and Jace yet?"


"Ugh you've gotta be kidding me. Look Rave, you're going to have to tell him."

"Well it's not like we hang out anymore. Why should I make it awkward for no reason? And besides if I do that then it'll sound like I'm shoving it in his face."

"Oh...well you got a point there."

The bell rang and we walked into Mr. Zielinski's class.

"For those of you that I will tutor, it will be after school on Mondays and Tuesdays. If those days don't work then let me know. I will be willing to stay any day after school to help," Mr. Zielinski said to the class.

"Don't you have tutoring?" Katie asked me. Oh yeah I forgot!

"Um...yeah I'll just go after school today," I said.

"Do you still like him?" She gave me a stern look.

I paused and then said, " don't know..." I looked down.


"I'm sorry I can't help it. I mean I like Jace of course. Like you said maybe it will help me to get completely over Tyler."

"Oh...right. I did say that...Well once you get to know Jace really well then those feelings for Tyler will go away."

We read some chapters of "The Scarlet Letter" for the rest of the class.


"Hey Raven," Jace said to me when I sat down at the table.

"Hey Jace," I said and smiled.

"Are you doing anything after school?"

"Yeah I actually have tutoring..."

"What class?"

"Mr. Zielinski."

"Oh I actually have to get tutored too now that I think about it. I'll just come after school too." He grinned at me.

"Great!" I faked a grin. I hope it won't be awkward around Jace and Mr. Zielinski.

Katie smirked at me. I shot her a look. "Oh yeah babe can you take me home after school? I don't have a ride since Raven is staying for tutoring," she said to Eric.

"I'm actually staying for tutoring too...I won't be able to go tutoring tomorrow. I'm really sorry," Eric said and kissed her.

"That's no problem. I guess I'll just stay with you all in tutoring. While you all are learning, I'll be sleeping on the table in the back of the class."

"That works." Eric laughed.

I looked over at Carolyn; she was talking to Johnny and Carl. I smiled. I hoped her and Johnny would work out.

We ate our food and by the time we were done the bell rang.


Me and Jace held hands while walking to Mr. Zielinski's class. I wanted to let go before we went in but I knew that would be suspicious. I pretended my phone had buzzed and I let go of his hand to check my bag.

We walked in the class and sat next to each other. Eric and Katie came in next.

"Yo Mr. Zielinski I know I'm not part of your tutoring but I have no ride except for Eric or Raven. I'm just going to take a nap on that table," Katie said and walked over to the back of the class and laid on the table.

"That's fine Katie," Mr. Zielinski said, trying not to laugh.

A girl came in the class. She had gorgeous black hair, was about 5'9, arched eyebrows, light eyeshadow, red lipstick, gauges, lip piercing, and had on a gray sweater dress with black leggings and Doc Martens. She looked very gorgeous, like an alternative Megan Fox. She looked edgy yet feminine at the same time. I recognized her from Mr. Zielinski's class for 1st period.

"Hey Jace," she said to him and smiled.

"Hey," Jace said, barely looking at her, and didn't smile back.

"I thought you were good at English." She smirked at him.

"I'm average. Just want to get an even better grade that's all." He held my hand.

She looked over at me. "Is this your girlfriend?" She asked him.

"Yeah she is." He held my hand even tighter. Mr. Zielinski looked dead into my eyes. I gasped and then gulped.

"Wow you're gorgeous," she said to me. "What's your name?" She smiled at me this time.

"Thanks. My name is Raven," I said to her and smiled. I glanced over at Jace who looked uncomfortable.

"That's such a pretty name. My name is Luna Cullen by the way. Nice to meet you. You're in Mr. Zielinski's class for 1st period aren't you? We're in the same class."

"Nice to meet you too-" I got cut off by Mr. Zielinski.

"Okay we are here for tutoring, not socializing," Mr. Zielinski said to us. "Please take out your worksheets and test from last week. I know some of you had trouble with those."

We took our papers out and he helped us for the next hour.

"Raven, I'm going to go to the bathroom," Jace said as we got done with tutoring. "Wait for me okay?"

"Oh okay. Yeah I will," I said, shifting in my seat and scrolling on my phone. Everyone else left the room except me and Mr. Zielinski.

"Well you sure move on fast," Mr. Zielinski said with a stern look on his face.

My mouth opened but I couldn't say anything. I fidgeted with my hands and hair. "Um...well...I do still have feelings for you..." I said and stammered.

"Really? Well that's not a good thing since you have a boyfriend. I don't think he would like that very much." He scoffed and had his arms crossed. Ugh he's acting immature all over again. He's the one that told me we can't ever be together anyways. How am I the bad person here?

"Look I'm sorry-"

At that moment Jace came back in the class and said, "Hey I'm ready. Thanks for waiting for me and also thanks for yesterday. Now Lucille's Diner is one of my favorite restaurants. I know I already told you that already but I just wanted to say it again." He grinned at me.

"Oh you two like Lucille's Diner?" Mr. Zielinski said and looked at me. I could tell he was annoyed. "I used to go there all the time. So how was it?"

"It was great. Great food with a great girl," Jace said, putting his arm over me, and smiled. "You should start going back over there."

"I would but I used to go there with my ex-girlfriend all the time. I don't think I can go there any time soon." He stared right at me.

"That sucks man. Do it for the food though not for her."

"Well we should probably get going," I spoke up. Jeez I really want to get out of here.

We walked out and left.


A/N: I don't know about you, but all I can say is SMH at Mr. Zielinski >__<

What do you think of Luna?




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