Chapter 17

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{Song in video: Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become}

"Wow really? That man is such a douchebag," Katie said after I told her about what happened with Doctor James.

"Yeah he is. I hate that he broke my mom's heart like that," I said and slammed my locker. "She thought that he would be the one."

"Whoa Raven are you okay?" Jace asked as he walked up to us.

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"Yesterday me and my mom found out that her boyfriend is actually married and has children."

"What? That's horrible." Jace hugged me and I put my arms around him. The bell rang and we were still hugging.

"Raven get inside my class and Jace go to your class wherever that is," Mr. Zielinski said as he stood by the door. Me and Jace departed and went to our different classes.

When we sat down, Mr. Zielinski was explaining something on a worksheet. We actually no longer had assigned seats, which I was thankful for.

"We have got to get revenge on that doctor," Katie said as I sat down next to her.

"Revenge? His wife will probably divorce him or something after what happened," I said.

"Ugh that dude sure knows how to be charming. He was such a sexy old man! So frustrating!" The whole class turned to us and snickered. Katie didn't seem to care.

"What sexy old man?" Eric jumped in and laughed.

"Eric not now. We're having a serious conversation," Katie said and looked serious.

" bad." He turned away and took his pencil and paper out.

"If anyone has a question then please raise your hand," was the only thing I paid attention to Mr. Zielinski saying the past few minutes.

Katie raised her hand.

"Yes Katie?"

"How do you get revenge on a rich older guy that you find out was married?"

Mr. Zielinski sighed and said, "Look I don't know what is happening that will make you ask that but I meant questions that were related to the worksheet."

I shot Katie a look.

We did worksheets for the rest of the class. The bell rang and Katie said, "Raven let's cut class and go prank Doctor James."

"Ummm...I don't know..." I said and had my arms folded.

"He broke your mom's heart! He's a liar and a cheater! We've got to get him back."

"Well you do have a point...but what do you have in mind?"

"You'll see. Now let's go!"

We walked to my car and went inside.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just drive to his house. I'll think of some stuff when we get in there," Katie said.

"We're going inside his house?"


"How will we do that?"

"I know ways." I turned on my iPod and played "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace. A few minutes later I parked a few doors down his house.

"How will we get in? What if he has an alarm system? Rich people usually have those," I said.

"I'll pick the locks and I'm pretty sure he doesn't," Katie said.

We got out of the car and walked to the front door.

"I'll ring the doorbell just in case someone's home," Katie said. She rang the bell and we hid behind bushes. No one came to the door and there was no car in the driveway. We went back to the door and Katie pick-locked it and then we went inside.

"What if someone is home but they're in the bathroom or taking a nap or something?" I asked nervously.

Katie rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure no one's home. The kids are at school and the parents are working. It's the morning of a weekday."

I followed Katie into the master's bedroom. She got the alarm clock and set it for 2 A.M and then she hid it in the closet up on the highest shelf. She smirked and I laughed. We went into the kitchen and she got Fruity Pebbles and poured it into each sink in the house.

"You know I'm doing the dirty work and it's your mom. You should do something," she said.

"Okay fine. I'm not really a prankster though," I said.

"I'll give you some ideas then. Go to the kitchen and see if there's any Cool Whip. If there is then empty it and get some shaving cream and put it into the Cool Whip can."

"But what if his family uses it?"

"Ugh Raven you're making this not fun."

"Sorry...Fine I'll do it then." I got shaving cream and went to the kitchen and did exactly what she told me to do. I went back into the room and noticed Katie was switching the letters around on the keyboard to the computer.

"Hmmm what else..." Katie wondered and she went to the kids' rooms.

"Katie leave the kids out of this," I pleaded.

"I am! Yeesh. I'm just looking for something." She looked through the drawers and pulled out glow sticks.

We went back into the master's bedroom and she said, "You can help me pour the cyalume from the glow sticks onto his clothes." And so we did.

"Oh! I forgot something." She went back to the alarm clock and set it to "White Washed" by August Burns Red.

I laughed. "Really Katie? Blaring metalcore at 2 in the morning? That's hilarious."

She grinned. "I'm proud of my work. Hmmm what else?"

"I think we're good. Let's just leave before someone gets back."

"Okay fine. Let's go then." We went back to the car and left.


"Hey Rave I'm gonna go clubbing. Get my mind off of Lawrence," my mom said when she peeked her head in the door. I finished up repainting the attic with glow in the dark paint. It took the rest of the day.

"Oh okay. Have fun mom!" I called out. I was proud of my work so I smiled and admired it for a few minutes.

After a few minutes I went in the shower and got cleaned up and then changed into my pajamas. It was already a little past 11 so I decided to go to bed.


A/N: What do you think of Raven and Katie getting revenge on Doctor James? Do you think he deserves it?




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