Chapter 9

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{Character in picture: John Mayer as Jim Morrison (Mr. Morrison)}

{Song in video: Ellie Goulding - Anything Could Happen}

"We should totally do that again," Katie said when everyone woke up.

"That was so much fun," I said. "I'm actually glad I didn't chicken out!"

"Girls I made breakfast!" My mom called from the kitchen.

We walked downstairs and got food. She made waffles, bacon, and eggs.

"Dude this is so freakin' good," Katie said.

"Why thank you," my mom said.

"So what do you all want to do after we eat?" I asked everyone.

"Well me and Delancey were going to head back to my house. We have to work on a science project that's due tomorrow," Carolyn said, "but yesterday was so much fun! Thanks for inviting us." They were both in Advanced Placement Biology so me and Katie didn't have to do the project since we're in the regular class.

"Yeah it was really cool," Delancey added.

We got done with our food and headed back to my room. Carolyn and Delancey were putting their things in their bags.

"Yo I'm so glad I don't have any AP classes," Katie said, "I barely do homework; I can't imagine doing a project already in the beginning of the school year."

Carolyn shrugged. "You got to do what you got to do."

They had their bags ready. "Bye guys it was great," Carolyn said and went outside.

"Yeah it was. Thanks so much for inviting me," Delancey said and she went out.

"So now what?" Katie said, "Man I wanted to do more adventures but nooo they had to do lame projects."

"It's okay we have other days to do adventures," I said and laughed.

"You know what? I want to put pink streaks in my hair," Katie said.

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Um didn't your mom tell you you couldn't?"

"Yeah so?"

"I don't want to get you in trouble..."

"It wouldn't be you though. It'd be me." She grinned.

"Do you even know how to streak your hair?"

"Nope. That's why I want you or your mom to do it."

"I don't want to be responsible! And I don't want our moms getting mad at each other again."

Her mom and my mom had different rules. Katie's mom is more strict and rigid, and my mom is more relaxed with certain things. But her mom is strict because her younger sister (Katie's aunt) is really wild and does drugs, gets drunk all the time, and doesn't have a job. I guess she's afraid of Katie turning out like that. But I know Katie and she's not THAT wild.

"Ugh fine. But I'll do it someday," she said. "Can we go in your attic? It always looks so cool. I wish I had that." Katie always loved my attic because I keep all my artsy stuff in there. I had plushies that I made, drawings, stories, poems, neon signs, collection of board games and toys, and photography.

We went into the attic. "Oh my God you made a TARDIS pillow!" Katie exclaimed. "Can you please make one for me?" Me and her were big Doctor Who fans.

"You can have that one if you want," I said, "I'll make myself another one."

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" She tackle hugged me. "I wish I could live in here."

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