Chapter 25

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{Song in video: No Doubt - It's My Life}

"So spill! Tell me exactly what happened at the dance," I said excitedly as we got in the car to head for school.

"Well we danced, sang along to some songs, and talked," Katie said as I turned on my iPod and played "It's My Life" by No Doubt. "It was great! He's really cute and nice. I was so shocked when he came up to me and asked me to dance with him."

"That's awesome! And yeah he's really cute."

"Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah I had a great time! I'm so glad me and Jace made up and are back together again."

"Oh yeah that's great! He looked totally hot in that suit last night." She grinned. "Did you see Johnny and Carolyn? I think they're an item." She made a heart shape with her hands.

"Aww they are? And yeah I saw them. I was wondering if they were or not but didn't want to put them on the spot by asking."

"Yeah I know...Did you see Mr. Zielinski dancing? He's not exactly the best dancer." She burst out laughing and so did I.

"I noticed but I've got to admit he looked pretty good."

She shot me a look. "Don't you dare think about it."

"Think about what?" I giggled nervously.

"You know what I'm talking about." She crossed her arms and tried to act pouty but I knew she was joking.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm with Jace. I think I pretty much moved on from Mr. Zielinski, so you don't have to worry and pretend to act pouty."

"Ugh how'd you know?" She playfully shoved me.

"Because I know you Katie." I grinned at her.

We got to school and went to Mr. Zielinski's class.

"I never noticed Chris was in this class," Katie said as we sat down.

"I sort of knew that I've seen him before but didn't know from where," I said. "Is he here?"

"Yeah he's sitting up front where he usually is."

At that moment, Chris turned around, grinned, and waved to Katie. She grinned and waved back.

"Awww that's so cute!" I said.

"Shut up or he'll here you!" Katie hissed. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"By the way, I can't believe you spat punch all over Eric's shoes." I started giggling.

"Well the dickhead deserved it! I would spit on his shoes again and again if I had the chance!" The whole class turned to look at us because she spoke very loudly again. Some laughed and others had a weirded out face. I face-palmed and tried not to laugh.

Chris looked directly at us and chuckled. He has such a cute light-hearted cheerful laugh, how adorable! He's great for Katie!

"Katie what did I say about your random outbursts?" Mr. Zielinski said.

"Use your indoor voice," she mumbled.

"That's right. Anyways as I was saying..." Mr. Zielinski went on to teach.

After a few minutes we did worksheets for the rest of the class.


I walked to our usual table for lunch. Everyone already was sitting down.

I squeezed in a spot next to Jace. "Hey," I grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey beautiful," Jace said and smiled. "Remember the Arctic Monkeys tickets I mentioned when we were going to the carnival?"

"Yeah why?"

"They're playing in a few weeks. I already got you the tickets."

My face lit up. "Oh my gosh thank you! I can't wait!" I put my arms around him and squeezed him.

"You're welcome, anything for my girl." He turned to Katie. "I also got tickets for you and whoever else you wanted to invite."

"Raven's boyfriend is the best!" Katie exclaimed. Her face flushed as she turned to Chris. "Would you like to go to the Arctic Monkeys concert with me?"

Chris' face lit up. "Yeah that'd be awesome!"

Eric's face fell and he scowled.

"Oh yeah what was with that random outburst in class earlier?" Chris chuckled.

"What outburst? I have lots of outbursts," Katie replied and the whole table, except Eric, burst out laughing.

"The one about spitting on someone's shoes."

"Ohhh. Okay so at the dance my ex-boyfriend comes up to me and tries to talk to me. I can't believe he had the balls to do that since he cheated on me with that Madison whore at Luna's party a few weeks ago. So what I did was spit on his shoes." She glared and then smirked at Eric. Ouch...

Eric got up and left. Everyone in the group, except Chris, knew that Katie was talking about Eric.

We all sat there in awkward silence the rest of the time and the bell rang.


After school, I decided to go visit my dad since I haven't seen his new house yet and haven't talked to him in a while. I parked my car and went up to the door and rang the doorbell.

My dad opened it up. "Hey Rave! Come on in!" he said happily.

"Hey dad," I said and gave him a hug.

"Let me show you around the house. You haven't seen it yet have you?"

"Nope I haven't."

He showed me his bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. It was a nice small house which is great for one person living in it. "This place looks nice," I said to him as we went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So how have you been kiddo?" he asked me.

"I've been doing good." He didn't know about the whole Mr. Zielinski situation that had happened, and I preferred if he didn't know because he would probably be very upset and overreact since I'm his only daughter.

"Any boyfriends or anything?" He looked curious.

I brushed my hair back nervously. He also didn't know about Jace and I would hope he wouldn't be weird about it. "Actually yes I do have a boyfriend."

He raised his eyebrows. " uh how long have you been seeing each other?"

"Almost two months."

"When will I get to meet him?" Uh-oh protective father mode.

"Um...whenever you want to."

"Good. I would like to meet him sometime soon."

We had an uncomfortable silence for about a minute. "Hey I'm really thirsty. Do you have a bottle of water?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I'll get it." He went to the kitchen, got a water bottle, came back, and gave it to me.

The next few hours we talked about different things. I had a nice time and it was good knowing what was happening in each other's lives again.


A/N: What do you think of Johnny and Carolyn? Do you think they're officially together? ;O

Also, what do you think of Raven's dad wanting to meet Jace? xD




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