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~Jada's POV~
We get to Michael's room and he closes the door and locks it.

"Why are you locking the door?" I ask.

"Because I don't want my siblings bothering us while we talk." He shrugs.

"So, Michael?"


"Is it true? That you've never had a girlfriend before?"

"Yes. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed right now!" He whines as he covers his face.

"Michael! That is nothing to be ashamed of! Or embarrassed by! I'm honoured to be your first girlfriend, your first kiss and even to be the one you lose your virginity to. Michael." I say uncovering his face.


"I want you to be my first and I want to be your first, okay?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, clearly confused.

"I want to lose my virginity to you and I want to be the one to take yours too." He widen his eyes as I say this.

He brings me into a bear hug and takes a deep breath.

"Ok." He breathes.


"Yes, J?"

"I love you." I smile up at him.

"I love you more, J. I'm so glad we're together."

"Me too." I give him a kiss.

We sit on his bed and just stares into each other's eyes.

"This is so romantic." I whisper.

We lean in and our lips lock as one. We start a make out section.

"That's enough. You shouldn't be eating each other's faces if you're hungry!" We hear Katherine chuckle.

We jump back and look over at her.

"How did you get in, mother?" Michael frowns.

She holds up a key.

"Did you forget that I have this?" She smirks then looks at me.

"Jada, dear, your mother was calling your cellphone. I think she wants you back."

"Oh, ok." I say then give Michael a quick kiss.

We walk back downstairs into the living room.

Katherine pulls me aside and says,

"I heard the last few things you and Michael were talking about. Now, I want you to be careful with him. He's a very shy and easily embarrassed boy and please, please, please, don't break his heart!"

"Oh, I won't break his heart. I promise. I wanna be with him forever. He's my soulmate. I truly feel that way. I can tell that we were made for each other. He makes me so happy and he stood up for me to my ex-boyfriend even though my ex is twice the size Michael is." I chuckle.

"Aww, that's sweet." She says then pulls me into a hug.

She gives me a little kiss on the cheek then I walk over behind Michael. I wrap my arms around him from behind and he jumps, startled.

"I love you, Michael." he turns around and pulls me into one of his warm, loving hugs.

"I love you more, J. You want me to walk you home?" He releases the hug.

"Yeah, I'd love that!" I smile.

"Bye, Jada!" Janet shouts as she hugs my waist.

"Bye, Janet," I laugh. "Goodbye, everyone! It was nice meeting you!" I wave to his family and we walk out of the door.

We walk down the street, hand in hand, silently.

"Michael!" We hear a familiar voice say from behind us.


We turn around and she runs up to Michael, pulling him into a hug.

"Oomf!" He grunts.

He keeps ahold of my hand and rolls his eyes as she pulls back.

"Since you're walking Jada home, wanna hang out?" She says, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Oh, uh, no. Sorry. We are just going to her house to hang out so my siblings don't bother us. Right, J?" He looks at me and I nod.

"Right." I state. Her face drops and she shrugs.

"It's okay. Another time then. Bye, Mikey!" She smiles and skips away.

"She is soooo annoying!" Michael groans as we continue walking to my house.

"If my mom's okay with it, you can stay at my place for supper." I offer.

"Okay" he nods.

We walk in my door.

"Moooooooom! Can Michael stay for supper?" I holler.

"Sure, honey!" She yes back from the kitchen.

"Yay!" Michael fist pumps the air and I giggle.

The New Guy [Michael Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now