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~Michael's POV~
I wake up to Jada's alarm playing a Whitney Houston song. I shut it off and kiss Jada softly on the lips.

"Mmmm" she hums and smiles as she opens her eyes.

"Hey, fiancée! Rise and shine! We have to go to school. Wouldn't wanna be late for the last day!" I say, tickling her and making her laugh hysterically.

"Michael! Stop it! Haha! Stop!" She says between giggles and laughs.

"Ok. Ok. I stopped." I put my hands up in surrender and crawl out of bed, butt naked.

"Thanks for last night. And I don't just mean the love making. I mean the engagement too. It was beautiful, Michael! I just LOVE the ring!" She says, staring at the ring.

"Well I hope you love me more than the ring" I joke and she shakes her head laughing.

"Of course I do!" She giggles.

-At School-
I sigh as we walk through the halls of our high school.

I can't believe it's the last day already!

I have a lot going through my mind right now. Like; my career, the wedding, the baby, where we're gonna live, Jada's education. Lots of stuff. Another thing is, I keep wondering who those guys Jada mentioned to Taylor last night, Brad and Thomas, are.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Jada calling my name.

"Michael! What in the world are you thinking about?" She giggles.

"Oh, um. I was just wondering. Who are those guys, um, Brad and Thomas?" I ask and she sighs.

"Um. Thomas is my ex boyfriend who left me for Taylor and Brad was my big crush in grade 8. Why? She frowns.

"I was just wondering. It's been on my mind" I shrug and she nods.


We keep walking down the hall and walk over to our lockers, where Nicki and Charlie are standing.

"Hey!" They both say.

"Hi" we both say back. Wow, we are saying a lot of the same things at the same time!

"Excited for the mall?" I ask.

"Yes!" Charlie says excitedly and winks at me.

"Jada?" I hear an unfamiliar voice shout so I turn around.

Jada and Nicki look down the hall and gasp.

There's a guy with brownish hair and brown eyes, running towards us from down the hall.

"Thomas?" I hear Jada whisper under her breath.

So this is Thomas, huh?

"Hey, J! Oh, hey Nicki. Hey Charlie! How are you guys?" He smiles as he approaches us.

"Pretty good" Charlie answers. "What are you doing here, Thomas?"

"Actually, I'm here for Jada. She didn't return my call last night so, I decide to come see her in person! Jada, I really want you back. I'm sorry I ever left you! I was stupid!" 'Thomas' says then, looks over at me. "Who's this?"

"Um, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, this is Michael Jackson. He's my fiancé and the father of my unborn child." Jada says and Thomas' face drops.

"Hi, Michael. You're a very lucky man," he says, shaking my hand. "Jada, I didn't know you were engaged!"

"Actually, just got engaged last night. Aaaannnd I'm almost 4 months pregnant!" Jada smiles and looks at me lovingly.

"You're pregnant?!" He shouts.

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