34...Who Are You?!

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~Michael's POV~
The mysterious figure lifts his or her arm and I notice a gun as he or she aims it at Jada, preparing to shoot.

"Noooo!" I shout as I try to jump in front of her.

But it's too late. He or she already shot her before I could get to her.

I hear her scream as she hits the floor.

I run over to her and see that her arm is bleeding. Badly.

"Who are you?!" I shout at the masked person standing in front of me.

"I can't tell you that" the person says. It's a woman's voice.

I know that voice from somewhere!

"What the hell is wrong with you?! What did she ever do to you to make you do that?!" I yell, angrily.

"What did she do to me? She stole you away from me, that's what she did to me!" The masked woman yells.

"Remove your disguise." I speak.

"No!" The woman shouts.

"Remove your disguise, Tatiana!" I growl.

"Wha- how, how do you know who I am?" She asks softly.

"I can tell by your voice and your choice of words!" I say.

"Bill! Bring the limo around! We're going to the hospital!!" I shout into the phone.

"Now, Tatiana. You better get out of here before I take that gun and shoot the hell out of you!" I growl and she leaps out of the window.

I grab a cloth from the bathroom and place it on Jada's wound to soak up some of the blood.

"Ow! Michael, this hurts! If I down make it, please remember that I love you and the girls more than anything and tell Nicki that I do forgive her and that I love her." Jada says, out of breath.

"Don't worry, baby. You'll be able to say all that yourself because you're gonna make it!" I say and she shakes her head, crying.

"I'm not gonna make it, Michael." She says as I put her into the limo.

"Yes, you are! You're a strong woman. I believe in you!" I say.

We get to the hospital after dropping the girls off at Mother and Joseph's and the doctors take her.

"Sir, what happened?" One of them asks me.

"A woman was disturbing our babies and we went to check on them. When we went in Jada asked the woman who she is and the woman shot her in the arm." I explain.

"Okay. Do you know who this woman is?" He asks and I nod.

"Her name is Tatiana Thumbtzen." I reply.

"Okay. I have all that written down for the police." He says.

I sit in the waiting room while they observe her wound.

About 20 minutes later, a doctor comes out.

"Is she okay?" I ask, eagerly.

"There's a possibility that she will be if we do a surgery on her arm. It's all up to you since you're her fiancé. So, what's your answer? Let her have the surgery or..." He trails off.

"Surgery!" I say loudly.

"Okay. Surgery it is!" He says, walking back into the room.

I wait in the waiting room, impatiently waiting for the surgery to finish.

About 2 hours later, the waiting room is filled and one of the doctors comes out.

"Mr. Jackson?" He says and I jump off my chair.

"Is she okay?" I ask and he takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jackson. We got the bullet out but... She isn't responding at the moment."

"What?" I whisper as tears form in my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

"Would you like to come see her?" He asks and I nod.

I walk into the room where she's laying peacefully on the hospital bed and I immediately burst into tears.

I walk over to her and kiss her soft lips before sitting in the chair beside the bed.

I take a hold of her hand and sigh deeply.

"I can't believe this is happening. I mean, I never though this would be happening to you at the age of 18! I just wanna say that I truly love you more than anybody in the world and I wanna thank you for giving me two beautiful girls. I truly appreciate that I got to know you on every level. I never told you this but I already have the ring that I was gonna use as your wedding ring." I say as I pull the small box out of my pocket.

I take the ring out of it and slip it on her finger.

"I love you so much, Mrs. Jada Jackson. You can't even imagine how much I love you." I weep as I talk to her.

Hours pass and I'm still at her side, talking to her even though she's gone.

"I remember that first day of grade 10, when we met. You were so shy and you couldn't talk to me without blushing or smiling. I could tell you were nervous and I thought it was cute. Truth is, I was really nervous too. I fell in love with you the moment I later eyes on you and I knew my love for you would last forever, no matter what. That was the best day of my life because not only did I meet my best friend but I met my true love too. I'll never forget that" I say, bawling my eyes out.

Suddenly, I feel her hand move in mine and I hear her voice whisper.

"That was the best day of my life too, Michael."

"Oh my god! Jada!" I attack her with hugs and kisses, causing her to laugh her face off.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, pulling myself off of her.

"Ever since you said 'I remember'." She says.

"Doctors! She's awake!" I shout and the doctors burst into the room and gasp.

"That's impossible!" One of them says, gasping.

"This never happens! You're a miracle, Jada!" The female doctor says, smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks" Jada giggles.

"Oh, Jada. I'm so glad you're alive! I would've been lost without you! The girls would've been lost without you!" I say.

"Awww. I still would've been with you!" She says smiling. Her smile turns into a serious face as she asks this next question.

"Where's Tatiana?"

"The police are looking for her right now. She leaped out of the window at Neverland while we were there. The police are gonna find her and throw her in jail." I explain and she nods.

"Okay. Miss. Smith, I'll just go get your papers then you can leave" one of the doctors says smiling.

Jada looks at her hand and notices the ring.

"Michael, what's this?" She asks, pointing to it.

"Oh, that's your wedding ring. I put it on your finger earlier. Take it off and see what's written inside!" I say smiling.

She slides it off and reads the small print out loud.

"I love you JJ" she reads. "Awww, I love it!"

"I'm glad you do! And by the way, JJ is supposed to stand for Jada Jackson" I smile and she smiles wider.

When we get back to Neverland, I check every single window and outer door and make sure they're locked.

We tuck the girls in and go to our room.

"Michael?" Jada says softly while sitting on the bed.

"Yes, baby?" I say, sitting beside her.

"Kiss me." She says.

I lean in until our lips meet and start kissing her passionately.

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