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~Jada's POV~
I put on my red lipstick and sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. I really hate my looks! The only person who made me feel beautiful, was Michael.

I just finished getting ready for the Grammys. I'm wearing a red dress that compliments my curves, red pumps, red lipstick, just a little bit of makeup, and my hair is curled and put to the side. Yes, I admit that I'm wearing all this red for Michael but what's the big deal?

I walk over to the crib and pick up my baby girls and bring them downstairs with me.

"Oh my gosh! You look sooo beautiful! My baby is all grown up!" My mom coos as tears start to come to her eyes.

"Mom! Don't make a big deal about this!" I sigh as I roll my eyes.

I walk outside and gasp as I see a limo out front.

"Awww, mom. You did this for me?" I say and she nods.

I hop into the limo after kissing my girls goodbye and I sigh as I wave to everyone.

The last time I was in a limo was when I was with Michael. This brings back soooo many memories. Especially the memory of when I had the girls.

I slowly and quietly start to cry but luckily, my makeup doesn't run.

We arrive at the building and I step out onto the red carpet. There's lights flashing everywhere from the paparazzi and people are screaming my name.

"Jada! Jada! I love you!" Someone yells and I smile and giggle a bit.

"Jada, is your new song about your recent breakup with Michael Jackson?" One of the paps yells at me.

I don't say anything, I just keep walking to the building while I wave to my fans.

I walk into the big room where the ceremony will be and I swear there must be close to 4000 people here!

"Hey, Jada!" Haley squeals and runs over to me.

"Hi Haley!" I smile as we hug.

"You look beautiful! Lemme guess. You did this for Michael?" She giggles.

"Shhhh. You better shut up!" I whisper shout to her.

"Okay, okay. I'll zip my lips." She giggles then uses her index finger and her thumb to do a zipping motion across her lips.

"Thank you." I sigh.

I look across the room and see Michael staring at me.

"He's staring at me." I whisper to Haley and she starts looking where I'm looking.

"Who?" She asks.

"Who do you think? Michael, obviously." I whisper.

Michael and I make eye contact and I quickly look away.

"It's time for you to go backstage to get ready for your performance." Haley says and I nod.

We walk backstage and I take a few deep breaths.

The huge crowd starts to settle down and sit in their seats as the announcer walks onto the stage.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming this lovely evening. This year we have quite the artist for the performance. She just released her new single called 'I Will Always Love You' a couple days ago and now she will sing it for you guys right here, on this stage, live! Please, join me as I welcome her to the stage. Jada!!!" The announcer cheers and the crowd goes wild as I step onto the stage.

I look around the crowd for a second and see some familiar faces.

I see Charlie, Nicki, Haley, Michael, Michael's family, Thomas, Taylor, Jordan, and Bailey.

I start to sing and I make eye contact with Michael, trying not to cry.

~Michael's POV~
"And IIIIII will always always love youuuuu" her beautiful voice echoes throughout the room and everyone just stares at her in awe.

She continues singing the lyrics and I can tell that they're about me.

A tear escapes my eye as she continues singing. She makes eye contact with me and it's like she's singing to me. I see a tear escape from her eye as she finishes her last note, ending the song.

Everyone claps and she smiles, curtsying.

"Um, before I give the microphone back to the announcer, I'd like to say one thing. Yes. This song is about my breakup with Michael. And I'd like to say something to Michael." She looks at me and sighs.

"Michael, remember that phone call the other night and remember at the end of it, you thought I told you that I love you? You were right. I did say it. I didn't call you that night to tell you that you could keep the girls longer. I wanted to tell you that I forgive you and I want to get back with you but I chickened out. So, Michael, will you please be mine again?" She says and my heart melts as a smile forms on my face.

I run onto the stage and attack her with a hug and a long passionate kiss.

"I love you, Jada." I whisper.

"I love you, too." She whispers back with a wide smile on her face, showing her beautiful white teeth.

We kiss again and the crowd goes wild.

~Jada's POV~
Michael and I walk off the stage with smiles on our faces after give he announcer the microphone.

"Congrats to Jada and MJ!" The announcer cheers.

"Thank you." Michael whispers to me and I smile.

"For what?" I giggle.

"For that. The speech thing. And by the way, I did know that you said I love you that night." He smiles and I blush.

We walk out to the hall and Michael looks like he really wants to ask me something.

"Michael, what's wrong?" I say.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know if you wanna come back to Neverland?" He asks, unsurely.

"Sure." I smile.

-After The Whole thing-
We're in the limo and I have my head on Michael's shoulder.

I'm so proud of him. He won 8 Grammys! EIGHT!!! For one album! I'm so proud to be in love with such an amazing man.

I called my mom earlier to tell her the news and ask her to keep the girls for the night and she was ecstatic. She literally screamed. She was so excited that I had to hang up on her!

We arrive at Neverland and see someone standing at the gates.

We stop and get out, walking up to the figure standing there with their back turned to us.

"Um, excuse me. This is a private property." Michael says as we get close to them and they turn around.

It's Tatiana. She smirks at us and I start walking backwards.

"Tatiana? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Ask Michael. He knows." She smirks and I frown.

"Michael? What's she doing here?" I ask.

"I don't know. She told me that she'd kill you if we didn't breakup but we broke up." He says and I gasp.


"I was gonna protect you and I hired some people to take care of the problem but before they could do anything, you left me." He says.

I sigh and decide to let it go since we JUST got back together.

Tatiana leaps at me and gets me in a headlock and presses a cold knife against my neck.

"Tatiana!! What are you doing?! You said that you'd do this if I didn't break up with her!! What the hell?!" Michael screams with fear in his eyes.

"Oh, Michael. Don't you understand? I would've killed her anyway." Tatiana chuckles as I try to squirm out of her grip.

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