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~Jada's POV~
"Always love youuuuuu" I finish and Haley starts clapping afterwards.

I take off the headphones and smile as she cheers.

"Wow. It only took a week to do this! I can't believe it! You're so amazing!" She cheers.

It's been a week since I started recording 'I Will Always Love You' and we finally finished! It's being released in 5 hours. So, at 6:30 pm.

My mom is gonna throw a party and she's inviting a lot of her friends and some of mine but mostly, the family. BUT, guess who she wants to invite. Michael. I kept telling her no and that it's a bad idea but she thinks it's a good idea for him to come so we can "work it out".

"Haley, you coming to the party at my mom's?" I ask as we start to leave the studio.

"Yesss, of course!!" She says with a "duh" like tone.

I laugh as we walk out of the doors but my smile slowly fades away as I see the last person I wanna see.

"Hello Jada. How are you?"

"Hi Michael. I'm fine." I say coldly.

Haley looks between us and sighs.

"Michael, Jada's mother is having a party and-" I cut her off.

"Haley. We should probably go."

"No, no. We have time. Anyway, as I was saying, Sydney is having a party for Jada's single releasing. You could come if you'd like." She says and Michael looks from me to her and back at me again.

"You know, Haley, I'd like to go but I think it's best if I don't. I wouldn't wanna ruin it for her. I know that if I went, she'd be upset and crying and everything so, I won't go." He says.

"Okay. Well, if you change your mind, you can come." Haley smiles at him and starts walking to her car.

Michael looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"I'll come get the girls later so you can enjoy your party." He says, then walks past me into the studio.

I sigh and start walking to Haley's car.

"Why the fuck did you do that?! You know how emotional I get when he's around!!" I scold her when I get in.

"You were fine there." She argues.

"Because I was holding it all in! If I had to see him all night at my party, I would be crying and sobbing like crazy!"

"Okay, okay. He's not going so you don't have to worry!" She says.

She drives me back home and I enter the house angry.

"Jada, honey? What's wrong?" Mom asks when she notices my anger.

"We ran into Michael at the studio and guess what! Guess what Haley did!" I shout.

"What, what did she do?" She asks.

"She invited Michael to the party! And without asking me first! I'm so glad he said no though because if he came I'd be soooo emotional and I wouldn't be able to have fun." I ramble on.

"Oh. Well, I think it would actually be a good idea for Michael to come to the party so you two can talk everything out and get past this!" She says.

"Mom. Please, understand where I am right now in this whole Michael thing. Yes, I want him back but I can't deal with everything! He hurt me. I can't afford to have my heart broken again." I yell with tears in my eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just that I hate seeing you like this and you and Michael as so perfect together!" She sighs.

I shake my head and walk away to get ready for the party.

-A Few Hours Later-
It's 6:25 and my song will be released in 5 minutes. There's already lots of people here and I'm actually excited.

Michael came by earlier to pick up the girls. I could tell that Mom wanted to invite him in. After he left, she started arguing again but it's all okay now.

"Hey, JayJay! Excited?" Haley squeals as she approaches me.

"Yes!" I smile.

"I have a feeling this is gonna win awards. I have some good news. The people who are arranging the Grammys, they heard your recordings and they want you to perform at the Grammys! Up for it?" She squeals.

"Oh my god. Yes! Of course!" I squeal back.

I run over to my Mom to tell her the news.

"Mom! I'm performing at the Grammys!!!!" I squeal.

"Oh my gosh, honey! That's great!! I'm so proud of you!" She coos.

"Thank you, Mom."

The party continues on and on and finally everyone leaves.

"Oh that was quite the party!" Haley says.

"Yeah. It was. But it seems like something or someone was missing." I sigh, trying to find out who or what it was.

"Ohh. I know who it is. Michael. Michael was the one who was missing." Haley says and Mom nods in agreement while my Dad just chuckles.

"No, it wasn't Michael." I laugh.

I wasn't telling the truth when I said that. It was Michael who was missing. I should've let him come to the party. I want him back. I need him back. I forgive him.

"Um, guys...I'll be right back. Haley, if you want, you can stay over." I say.

"Nah, I should probably go. Thanks for inviting me to the party!" She shouts as I run upstairs.

I go into my room and pick up my cell phone. I dial his number and he picks up.

"Hello?" I hear his sweet voice answer.

"H-Hey Michael." I stutter.

"Jada! I'm surprised to hear your voice! What would you like?" He says in a surprised tone.

"U-Um, I was wondering if-uh-"

"Wondering if?"

I decide to chicken out because his voice brings back pain.

"I was wondering if you'd like to keep the girls for the weekend so you can have lots of time with them?" I ask and sigh afterwards.

"Sure." He says.

We talk for about 20 minutes and he tells me that he's proud of me for having the chance to perform at the Grammys, blah blah blah.

"So, I should probably go, I need to put the girls to bed." He says.

"Oh, yeah. Okay. Um, see ya." I say.

"Jada, I know I shouldn't be saying this to you right now but, I love you." He says and my heart melts.

"I love you too." I whisper but unfortunately, he hears me.

"What did you say? Did you just say what I think you said?" He asks with a hoping tone in his voice.

"No. Um, I didn't say anything. Good night." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Okay. Good night, J." He says then hangs up.

"Ugh! Why did I have to say that?!" I groan as I throw my phone on my bed.

~Michael's POV~
I swear I heard her say "I love you too"! She says she didn't but I know she did!

Oh well. I'll see what happens at the Grammys. I was nominated for quite a few of them for my album "Thriller" that I released not too long ago. I can't wait to see her perform! She has such a beautiful voice and it'll be the first time I hear her new song!

I'm not gonna bother bringing a date to the Grammys because I don't want her to think that I'm over her. It's only been like a month or two since we broke up. It wouldn't take me that short amount of time to get over her!

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