16...The Apple Tree

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~Michael's POV~
I'm in class and Jada, Nicki and Charlie walked in a few minutes ago.

Charlie and I are sitting at the back and the girls are sitting at the front.

I notice that Jada keeps looking back at me throughout the class.

"Charlie?" I say.

"Hmm?" He hums.

"Have you noticed that Jada keeps looking at me? Do you have any idea why?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. I know both reasons why but I'm not allowed to tell you one of them" he says.

"What are they? Pleeeease tell me?" I whine quietly.

"Well the one that I am allowed to tell you is that she knows that you're suicidal and-" I cut him off there.

"Woah, woah, woah, what?! She knows?!" I whisper shout.

"Yeah. Do you wanna know the other reason or not?"


"Okay," he exhales. "She admitted that she's lost and confused right now. She said that she's really angry at you but she still cares about you. She hasn't admitted that she misses you and still loves you, but I can tell she does by the was she looks at you. Like earlier when the thing in the hallway happened, I could tell that all she wanted to do was give you a big hug and kiss!"

"Wow. I'm lost without her too. But why would she be confused? What did I do to confuse her?" I ask, confused.

"Well, first you told her how much you love her and took her virginity. Then, you hugged a girl from your past. Then, you embarrassed her in front of her family. Then, you kissed that same girl from your past right after you guy had make up sex. So, wouldn't you be confused if you were in her shoes?" Well, he does have a point.

"I didn't mean for that kiss to happen! Tatiana started it and I pushed her away" I argue.

"Yeah, but you gave in right away" Charlie argues back.

"Charlie? Michael? Do you guys have something to share with the class?" The teacher asks.

"No, ma'am." I mutter.

"Then I suggest you zip it!"

-After class-
It's after class and Jada walks up to me.

I expect her to yell at me or get really mad at me but instead she gives me a hug.

"Meet me by that old apple tree outside at lunch." She says and I nod as she walks off.

I'm just shocked that she actually hugged me and was calm with me.

Charlie walks up to me and notices that I'm completely frozen in shock.

"Hey, dude! What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I whisper. "Jada gave me a hug and told me to meet her at lunch by the old apple tree."

"Wow. Why do you think she wants you to meet her?" He asks and I smile.

"I don't know. Maybe she'll finally to me about all this."

"Well, we will see what happens." He smiles and pats my back.

We walk to our next class, which happens to be music, and Jada's there too.

We stare into each other's eyes from a distance and I smile at her.

She turns away.

-After class-
It's lunchtime! Finally!

I walk outside to the big apple tree after grabbing my lunch from the cafeteria.

I wait for Jada and she finally comes after 2 minutes.

My god, she looks gorgeous!

~Jada's POV~
I just grabbed my lunch and now I'm just arriving at the apple tree where Michael is sitting at the little bench, waiting for me.

He looks so sexy! I just wanna kiss him right now and tell him how much I love and miss him!

"Hey" he says smiling at me.

"Hi. Why are you smiling so much?" I ask, chuckling nervously.

"Because you're here and you're not freaking out at me. You're the only one who can put a smile on my face, J!" He says taking my hands in his.

I remove my hands from his and he frowns.

"Michael, we need to talk." I say.

"Ok..." He trails off.

We sit at the bench and I think of a way to begin the conversation.

"Ok, Michael. Um, I think we need a little break from us. I need some time to think and see if it's worth it to forgive you for what you've done. You also need to prove that you love me as much as you say you do."

"But, J, didn't all the things I said in the classroom and in the hallway and the lobby prove enough?" He whines.

"No, Michael. You don't understand. Those are just words! You need to use your actions to show how much you love me!" I explain.

"Oh. It's just I miss you sooooooo so soooooo much!" He says pulling me into a warm hug.

I secretly want this hug to last forever!

"I miss you, too" I whisper.

"May I just have one kiss? Please?" He asks softly as we pull back from the hug.

"No. You need to prove yourself to me."

"Okay, I-I understand" he says and looks down.

I see a tear run down his cheek and I instantly feel guilty.

"Oh, Michael. Please don't cry! That's the last thing I wanna make you do! Especially since you're...y'know."

"I know Charlie told you already" he says wiping his tears away.

"If you don't mind me asking, can I see them? I just wanna make sure they're not deep enough to leave a scar" I ask and he nods as he pulls up his left sleeve.

I cover my mouth with both of my hands as I gasp at the sight.

"Oh my god, Michael!" I gasp as I look at all the cuts.

I look closely at them and see that they're not deep enough to scar.

"Please, please, please, do NOT EVER do this EVER again! Promise me you won't do this anymore. I don't want you to get hurt or anything. Michael, just because I'm mad at you right now doesn't mean that we're gonna be over forever! And just because I'm angry at you doesn't mean I don't love you. I just need proof from you that you love me and that I can trust you again! Please, promise that you won't harm yourself anymore!" I say looking deep into his sad eyes as tears escape my eyes.

He nods, "I promise. And I WILL prove to you that I DO love you and that you CAN trust me. I love you."

"So, the school concert is coming up in a couple of months! Are you gonna sing in it? I've heard you sing before and you have an AMAZING voice!" I smile.

"Yeah. I might write a song and sing it" he nods and I nod too.

"Well, we better get back to classes. The bell just rang." I say, getting up from the bench.

"Ok. Can I walk you to class?" He asks and I sigh.

"Sure." I give in and he smiles as we walk back to the school.

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