Chapter 1

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(A/N: This is my first story so be warned this may be bad)

To escape from the dreaded past of your hometown, you moved to Ikebukuro. A city that was far away from your hometown.

You spent a bit of time adjusting to the new apartment you were now living in. You arranged some of the furniture, and decorated it to suit your tastes. It took a while to arrange, resulting in your energy running out when it was late into the afternoon.

You decided to get a breath of fresh air.

As you were still new to the city, you decided to conduct your own little tour tonight. You wandered around the streets of Ikebukuro, looking around at the lively city curiously. Your focus on the city around you was interrupted when you fell on your butt. You realized you had bumped into a stranger.

"Oh, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry sir"

"No, sorry it's my fault too. I wasn't paying attention either." He outstretched his hand to help you up and you took it.

You looked up at the man you had so rudely bumped into. You observed him. He was a blonde male, dressed in a bartender outfit with blue shades. He looked a bit intimidating to the average person, but a few minor looks didn't scare you. After all, you've seen worst.

"Oh, are you a bartend-" you asked. You had drawn that conclusion from looking at his outfit. It would be the prime time to go to work, after all, it was night.

"I used to work as one." He said abruptly.

"Then why do y-"

"Please, shut up about that." He grunted in annoyance. After all, you had just met. Who were you to probe into his business?

"Oh..." A few awkward seconds passed. You had realized your mistake. Although you were just trying to make friends in this foreign city, it wasn't your place to pry.

"Sorry to bother you, sir." You bowed respectively and was about to wander off. You decided that you had already bothered him enough.

As you turned to leave, he felt guilty for being a tad bit rude to you.

He sighed.

"Wait, what's your name?" He asked, calling out to your retreating form.

"Huh? Oh, [L/N]. [L/N], [F/N]." You replied turning back around with a smile.

"Sorry that I was kinda rude, my name is Shizuo Heiwajima." He apologized scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, don't worry Heiwajima-san."

"No need to be so formal, just call me Shizuo." he blushed lightly.

"Already hitting up someone this late in the afternoon Shizuo?" A new voice had rang out.

"No Tom." Shizuo said in embarassment and slight fustration.

"So who's this cutie here?"

"[L/N], [F/N]" He answered for you.

"Hello there [L/N]-chan, my names Tom Tanaka." He winked at you.

Your blush deepens.

"N-Nice to meet you Tanaka-san." You stuttered, and bowed in respect. You then held out your hand for him to shake.

"Ohohohoho, Shizuo where did you find this one? She's cute, and she has manners. By the way, cuties like you can call me Tom." He said with another wink, kissing the top of your hand.

"Eh?!" By now with all of Tom's teasing, you were a blushing mess.

"Don't let him get to you [F/N], he's just a lonely old man." An irk mark appeared on Tom's head.

"Oi! Shizuo I'm not older than you by so much! Don't forget that we went to school together!" Shizuo raised his hands up to surrender from Tom's irked form. You giggled at the exchange.

"Well, I think I should go home now, it's getting dark." You cut in with a few chuckles.

"If you'd like we can walk you home." Shizuo offered.

"B-But I wouldn't want to trouble you!"

"Oh shush, you're no trouble. Plus it gets really dangerous around here. There's no telling what they'd do to a cute little girl like you." Tom added.

"Ah, no don't worry. I can take care of myself." You gave them a closed-eye smile.

"Fine, just be careful ok?" Tom said sighing.

"Ok!" You smiled. As you turned in the direction of your home, you felt a warm hand on your arm stop you. You turned seeing a concerned Shizuo.

"You sure?"

"Yeah really!" You comforted him by hugging him. He blushed and stiffened at the sudden contact, looking away bashfully.

You were a very friendly person. And as a result, you hadn't realized the effect you had on people when you did certain actions.

"OK. But if anything happens, here's my number." He pulled out some paper from his pocket and wrote down his number. He rustled your hair as a parting gesture, then walked back joining Tom. As they were walking, Tom nudged him, wiggling his eyebrows. Shizuo groaned, rolling his eyes.

'They really are nice' You smiled to yourself at the thought.

Deciding to take the shorter way, you cut through some alleys.

But as you continued to go on your way home, you heard a voice.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now