Chapter 5

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It was the end of the day. You walked towards Tom, who had called for your attention.

"Oh [F/N], you can have the day off tomorrow."

"Ok, Thank you" You replied with a smile.

You all waved to each other and went your seperate ways.

As you walked through the alleyway, the shortcut you used to get home, you felt someone grab you from behind. One arm around your waist and the other covering your mouth.
You struggled against the stranger, but to no avail. Having no other option, you bit them. As they released their hand, you jumped back into a fighting stance. Seeing a familiar person you left the stance.

"Huh? Orihara-San?"

"Ah [F/N]-Chan that hurt you know." He shaked his hand.

"Sorry Orihara-San, you suprised me."

"Just call me Izaya." He smirked.

"So how was your first day on the job then [F/N]-chan?"

'I dont recall me telling him that..'

"Ah, it was okay. We ran into trouble."

"Really are you okay?" He seemed as if he was concern but it came off in a sarcastic way.

"Yeah, the problem was uh, taken care of." You put one strand of your hair behind your ear nervously.

Izaya made note of the action and smiled.

"Well I'm glad you're okay then. Do you want me to walk you home [F/N]-chan? After all a cute girl like you can get snatched, so it might be dangerous to go alone."

"N-no its okay, thank you. I can handle myself." You denied kindly.

"A shame, but maybe next time. See ya later [F/N]-chan~!"

He waved as he passed by you walking in the opposite direction of your home. You waved back and continued on your way.

He stopped just a few feet back and watched you retreating figure. He smirked.

You turned and started walking back to your home. When you arrived you flicked on the lights, you saw Izaya on your couch. You were confused as to how he got here so fast.

"You know your house really is comfortable [F/N]-Chan~"

"Izaya please get out." You stated firmly and kindly. But to no avail.

"Now that's no way to treat your guests. Should I punish you? On second thought, I should, since you bit me and all." He said close up to you. You blushed.

He pushed you down on the couch, straddling you yet again, with that same position. Your heartbeat quickened.

This situation caught you totally off guard. You had just met the guy and now hes threatening to "punish you." Just who exactly did you get involved with?

He moves closer to you until your faces were near kissing.

"I-Izaya please stop." Your blush said otherwise

"No can do [F/N]-Chan. You bit me so it's my turn."

Scrambling for a solution, you decided to push up your knees, and struggle to get him off.

Izaya countered back by sliding his knees between yours.

You struggled trying to get away from him.

"You know [F/N] I'll let you go but for one thing."

Scared, you answered. "A-And W-What's that?"

"Kiss me~" He kissed you right then and there. As he parted, your face was steaming and your eyes were wide.

(A/N: Like cherry pies. No?)

"EH!?" You squealed.

"Hahahahahaha! I was just kidding
[F/N]-Chan~! You should've seen your face!" Izaya laughed as he got up.

"I'll see you later [F/N]-Chan. Byee~"

You stood there, very embarrassed.

But what did that kiss mean to you?

You barely knew the guy, did you enjoy it?

Was he actually joking? Did you wish he wasn't?

How it felt on your lips, if only you could feel it again-

You stopped yourself right there. Blushing at the thought, you get ready to go to sleep.

"I think that was enough excitement for the day." You muttered crawling in your bed, turning the lamp off.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now