Chapter 10

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You were led to his living room. You spotted Shizuo, and ran to him.

"Shizuo!" You hugged him. "Did you bring me here?" You looked up. He blushed and nodded looking slightly away.


You turned to Shinra. "Sorry" You muttered as you blushed a light pink.

"Anyways, about the incident. Fron what I've told Shizuo, that wound should have been fatal. And what I've discovered was that it was healing on it's own." Your smile faltered a bit.

"I-I'm sorry Shizuo. I guess I haven't exactly been honest with you." Shizuo looked at you, confused.

"When you asked me where I learned to fight, yeah my dad did teach me but in a different way." You looked down, playing with your fingers.

"My dad was a scientist. He liked to experiment. But sometimes, he conducted his experiments on me. Ever since my mom died, he had been depressed. He didn't want to lose me either. He had this special vaccine that he injected into me. I was skeptical about it all, but in the end I ended up doing it.

Fast forward a few years in my early years of middle school, we got into a car accident. It killed my father, but not me. Even when it should have.
When I was hospitalized they discovered my healing abilities. They thought I was some kind of monster. The news got released to a student in my school who's parents, worked at the hospital I was in. And that one person led to everyone knowing.
I only had a few friends and they defended me. The rest bullied me, and my friends.

One day, one of them stabbed me. That's when my other side came out. I call her Ayano. She unlocked a fighting strength that my dad must've put into me. She defends me when I'm in danger. She lends me her strength when I'm fighting. She is the one who heals me.
After that outburst, my friends didn't want to talk to me, they didn't want to have anything to do with me. And as a result, I was alone.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before, I was afraid you'd leave me as well."

At this point you were crying. Tears ran down your face as you uncovered your secret. You looked up at the two briefly. They looked astonished, speechless.

Would they accept you?

A/N: I don't know if you guys like this chapter please let me know what you think 😊.

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