Shizuo End 2

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A/N: I wasn't happy with the last one.

   Shizuo battered Yuki with bruises. Yuki had managed to barely stand up before falling again. He gave out an exhausted sigh and pleaded three words.

   "Kill me please."

   As much as Shizuo wished he had the liberty of doing so, he knew that wasn't what you would want.

   He glared at Yuki and lit a cigarette.

   "Please, there's no way after this she'll ever forgive me. I'm better off dead." He pleaded again.

   Shizuo inhaled and exhaled, releasing a puff of smoke.

   "Fine, if you're not going to then-"

   Before he could do anything Shizuo grabbed him. He held the cigarette at the side of his mouth. A look of disgust crossed his face as he saw how pathetic Yuki had become.

   "You're wrong."

   Yuki's eyes widened.

    "If it were me there would be no way in hell I would forgive a low life like you. But she on the other hand, she's just too damn nice to not be able to forgive you.

   If she ever finds out that either I killed you or you killed yourself, she would be heartbroken.

  But if I were you, I would stay really far away from her at the moment, since you don't know how Ayano may act.."

   In truth, he just didn't really want Yuki around at all.

   Yuki nodded his head in slight fear. Shizuo rolled his eyes at him. He took the cigarette out his mouth and exhaled deeply.

   Afterwards he threw it at the ground and stomped it out, alarming Yuki. He then looked back at Yuki, glared, then left the room.

   He had soon stopped after taking two steps out the door way. He saw your unconscious form on the ground.

   There was no way you would end up that way if you hadn't fought. And Varona was the only person you were with. So...

   He connected the dots.

   'Damn, I wonder why though.' He thought to himself.

   He picked you up bridal style and carried you to his apartment. He hadn't bothered to look for Varona's corpse because he knew you hadn't killed her.

   He sauntered off in the rain that had just came down.


    You awoke in an unfamiliar room. You racked your brain trying to remember the events leading up to your unconcious state.

   You recovered your encounter with Varona. You groaned in pain when you got up. She had done a number on you after all.

   You sat up and looked at your attire.
You wore new clothes. It was an oversized, at least for you, white shirt, presumably Shizuo's since it smelled like him. You didn't have any pants on. But the shirt covered it up like a dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror, then walked out to meet your savior.

   You found Shizuo sleeping on the couch. The TV was left on, left on a random channel. He must have let you sleep in his bed. Knowing that, you made a mental note to thank him.

   Entranced by his sleeping face, you squatted down in front of his face. You admired his features up close.

  You squeaked when he quickly grabbed you and you sat on his lap. He nuzzled into your neck.

   "Shi-Shizuo?" You squeaked out, flustered.

   "Shut up and let me enjoy my last minutes of rest before we go out."

   You willingly obeyed... Until he licked your neck.

   You squealed in surprise, almost falling off of him. But he held on tighter to you.

   He blushed. "You know you shouldn't be moving around that much, especially when you're only wearing a shirt." You glared at him.

   "So you did change my clothes."

  "I didn't want you to stain my bed with your blood." He said bluntly and shrugged slightly.

  "Did you see me nak-"

  His face exploded into red. "No!"

  He smiled and sheepishly said, "Although I wouldn't mind.."

   Now it was your turn for your face to turn red.

  "W-What's that supposed to mean?!"

  He hugged you tighter, seemingly nervous about what he was about to say. He sighed and looked away. Then he turned back and made you face him.

   "[F/N]..." His face was a feverish red, he gulped.

  "Damn it all. D-Do you uh.. Want to go out? I mean uh-"

  You cut him off with a kiss, he tensed up then his nerves seemed to calm. He smiled into it, as you did.

  Once you broke apart, you blushed at your bold actions.

  "So I guess that's a yes huh?" He joked, chuckling. Your only reply was burying your face in his shirt.

A/N: That's a wrap! I don't want to make a lemon so sorry about that. I think this will be the end of this book since I don't want to prolong this any longer. Thank you for sticking with this fanfic! Thanks for the support, the lovely comments, I love you all! 😊❤

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