Chapter 13

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You woke up to see someone's back.


"Ah [F/N]-chan, you're awake." A familiar voice spoke.

"Izaya? w-what...?" Then the memories of the previous fight entered your mind. "That poor girl..." You muttered.

"Izaya how did you find me?"

"Well [F/N]-chan, I was just walking along and saw that you had collapsed on the street! So I decided to bring you home with me."

"But I can go home just fine!" You said struggling.

"But it's too late for that, we're already home." He let you down. "You're so light [F/N]-chan, do you even eat?"

"Why of course I do!" You said a blush tinting your cheeks.

"I'm just teasing, but you are very light." He laughed as he brought you into his house after unlocking it.

As you walked in, you thought about something. 'W-Wh-What about the other girl and her boss?!'

"H-Hey Izaya what about the other girl, you must've seen her right?" Izaya turned around.

"Hmm? Oh Mikage, I just called her older brother to pick her up." Your chest tightened as he said her name like that. 'How familiar are you with her?' Was what you thought you said in your head.

"Awww is my [F/N]-chan jealous? Though I must say you'd look cute in green~" He said eyeing you up and down with that familiar smirk.

You blushed and looked away for a minute then turned around again, snapping your fingers. "Oh! I almost forgot! Those gang of people kept talking about their boss. Do you think someone sent them out to beat me up? I don't think I did anything wrong to anyone though..." You said thinking out loud, and scratching your head.

Izaya's smirk grew wider, amused. "No, you did nothing wrong [F/N]-chan." He wanted to leave you to figure it out.

"So then...Hm..." You turned around and looked at him, shooting him an icy glare. "You were the boss then huh?"

Izaya clapped. "Detective [F/N]-chan solved the case~"

You were angry at him. He wanted you to hurt them. But for what reason?

"Ahh [F/N]-chan, don't look at me like that! You can't blame me for being curious~"

"Curiosity killed the cat. But besides that what were you curious of?"

"Of Ayano-chan" Your eyes grew wide at the mention of that name. "W-Why would you, you knew that they would get hurt yet you..." You sat there puzzled and angry. "Izaya why..."

"Wah! [F/N]-chan I can't handle those glares you're giving me! I'm sorry please forgive-"

"No." You turned and was about to walk out.

Izaya's eyes widened for a split second. That was not what he expected. His familiar notorious smirk returned. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to him. He held your chin with one hand and the other around your waist, he tilted your chin up. You glanced at the mischevious smirk plastered on his face.

"[F/N]-chan you know it hurts when you do that right?" You blushed, your cheeks a rosy red and looked away.

His lips enveloped yours, He licked the bottom of your lips, asking for entrance. You refused. You tried to struggle out of his grasp but you were held firmly. He bit your bottom lip and you gasped. As soon as you opened your mouth, his tounge attacked yours. His eyes were open, studying your expression. As soon as he saw your stern expression relax, he realized you were enjoying it, but also needed air, and let go.

You both were panting lightly. "Do you forgive me now [F/N]-chan?" You looked away, not saying anything. He laughed.

"Well, I'll leave you to think about that." He yawned. "Well I'm goin to bed, you should know where the spare bedroom is." He walked away as you were left with complicated feelings.

You liked both Shizuo and Izaya, but you hated this. You didn't have the heart to push them away. So what were you going to do?

You would decide that later. Then you walked to the room you would be sleeping in.

Izaya sat on the bed. In truth, he wanted to do more than kiss you but he knew you weren't ready. He knew Shizuo was probably thinking that as well. He also knew Shizuo was his enemy and love rival. Now he had a stronger resolution as to why he has to kill Shizuo. He couldn't let that monster contaminate you.

When he heard you tell Shizuo and Shinra your secret, he thought that you were far from a monster. You were an angel to him that needed his guidance, a god's guidance. By his side you would be his goddess. So he'd have to do anything he can to save you from that monster. And with that thought he drifted off to sleep having pleasant dreams with you and him.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now