Chapter 12

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The group of thugs looked uneasy, some perplexed, and others scared.

"I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy."

A girl's voice said emerging from the group. She had short brown hair and eyes, gym shorts, a training top, and a jacket. She had her arms folded glaring at you.

"Ah~ You don't look weak at all. Who might you be?" She smirked. "I could ask you the same."

"Well this body's name is [L/N], [F/N]. But me myself, I'm Ayano." You say with a mock curtsy.

Confused, the martial artist states her name anyway. "Uh...Ok? And I am Sharaku, Mikage. But can we get this over with? I have things to do." She said in annoyance.

"You first"

And as soon as the words left your mouth, you were met with a fist a centimeter away from your face. But you easily dodged it. Her attacks were fast, but you were quicker.

As she tried to kick you on the side of your head, you quickly flipped backwards. In a crouched, froglike position, you stuck your tongue out saying "You're too slow."

Izaya looked on smirking amused.
"So this is Ayano-chan hm?~" He chuckled to himself.

He found you to be so interesting. You were not what he expected at first at all. He found you as an endless rollercoaster, exciting. He wanted to know if there was anything more about you that would suprise him.

Mikage glared in annoyance. You ran to her. Her mind was trying to figure out any possible clue as to why you were running at her, until you jumped. She figured you were going to dropkick her, so she ducked.

You smiled. She did exactly as you planned. As soon as your feet were flying over her and she was below you, you grabbed her hair and flipped backwards. She screamed. You sadistically smile at the scream.

You had grabbed her for momentum to flip backwards, and once you landed on your feet, you quickly swiped her legs out from underneath her.

She fell on her back stunned. You walked closer to her and kicked her in the face. "You know, I was so pissed that you underestimated me." You said giggling. You repeatedly kicked at her limp body, blood dripping from her mouth, and bruises forming on her face and the rest of her body where you kicked her.

You take a step back as she tries to get up. But then run back at her faking a punch, which she attempts to dodge. You instead knee her in the stomach. She spat out blood as she got launched into the wall, then fell unconscious.

As she was slipping in and out of consciousness, a tear slipped out of her eye. She...failed. And it was embarrassing. Especially in front of Izaya. She grew more than fond of him, although Izaya uses her as a pawn, she was too naive to know. She did this to impress him. She never expected to lose.

Lately, she's found him observing you more often. He barely talked to her anymore. She hated it. She saw you as a rival now. She wants to fight you again, only this time she's more driven to win. With that resolution, she wanted to train more so she could beat you, her love rival, so she can retrieve Izaya's attention back.

"TKO!" You shouted laughing, and sneering at her. You slightly turn your head to her gang, giving them a sadistic smile. An eerie, dark purple aura flowing around you. "You want some too?~"

"U-Uh N-N-N-No! S-S-Sp-Spare us!" They ran off, tripping a few times, scurrying off in a hurry.

You dusted yourself off. "Now that that's over..." You collapsed, another sea of darkness clouding your vision. Izaya jumped down, picking you up and putting you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He glanced at Mikage before pulling out his phone.

"Hello...Yes...Eisrou-kun? I would get your sister she's kind of in a... pickle.~" He gave her location to him and abruptly stopped the call as he started yelling at him.

Carefully, he began to jump fron building to building, heading back to his home.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now