Chapter 8

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You woke up in your apartment.

'How did I get here? I thought I was at Izaya's...'

You grabbed around for your phone. Attaining it, you see the missed calls. You called him. It rang for a little until he picked up.

"[F/N] are you okay?"


"Did that flea touch you?" He said anxiously.

"Yeah.." His breath hitched.

"He only tickled me, again why?"

Shizuo gave a sigh of relief, he noticed that you weren't aware of the messages that Izaya sent yesterday.

"I-I just wanted to make sure. I don't know what kind of tricks that flea has up his sleeve."

"Oh okay. Anyways do we have any work to do today?"

"Hmm...I don't think so. Wait, yeah we do. Do you want us to come pick you up?"

"Sure I'll get ready"

As soon as you were done getting ready, you heard a knock. You answered the door and saw Tom and Shizuo.

"Hey guys" You greeted, smiling.

"Hey [F/N]."

"What's up?"

You locked your door and went out to walk with them. The three of you talked along the way to the next stop. As you got to the apartment, you noticed a man look at you, and the others through his window. You looked at the other two to see if they noticed. But they were talking.

Tom knocked on the door. A minute passed by, and no one answered. He knocked again, no one answered. It seemed as if no one was home.

"Alright, let's get going." Tom said, scratching his head.

"No, wait I have an idea." You ran back.

The two of them looked at you confused. You ushered them to move out the way. As they moved back, you ran to the door and dropkicked it. It fell over, and inside you saw a middle-aged, bald man hiding in the corner. You walked up to him.

"Sorry, but you should've told us something instead of hiding.And now your door is broken. I assume that since you didn't want to pay us, you can't fix your door?" You smiled sweetly.

The man shook with rage. He started yelling at you.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!? I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW-" He stood up angrily. As he ranted on he tried to punch you.

You went to block it but saw a taller man stand in between you two. The man stopped his punch.

"S-Sh-Shizuo!" the man stuttered suprised.

"..Shizuo.." you muttered smiling a bit. He was trying to protect you.

Shizuo crossed his arms and glared at the man. The man must've forgot about Shizuo's presence.

"A-Alright I got your money." He went off to his kitchen, opened a drawer and grabbed some money.

You stepped a bit to the side of Shizuo, poking him. He turned.


He blushed a bit and in return said
"Any time"

As you both were distracted, he grabbed something else as well.

He walked to you two. He handed Shizuo the money, as he grabbed it the man stabbed you in the chest.

"Ah s***"


As you fell on your knees, Shizuo bent down. And attempted to take the knife out. To his suprise, you stopped him.

Your face turned dark. You took the bloody knife out. It dropped to the ground with a clatter. You walked to the man.

The man was stunned, his eyes wide open. Not only he, but Shizuo's was too.

"Man, I haven't taken a hit like that in a long time" You raised your head up, a sadistic smile plastered on your face. Shizuo was taken aback at your sudden change of nature.

The man shook with fear. "W-Wh-What th-the f-f***?!"

He backed up and grabbed another knife. He came running back at you with his knife held in front of him.

You dodged it effortlessly, and grabbed his hand. You sunk your nails into his arm, and twisted it. The man screamed.

"I think it's kinda unfair that you wounded me, it would only be fair if I got my vengeance~" You giggled darkly.

The man looked horrified. 'What kind of monster were you?' You punched him and he fell.

"Oh... I'm not done with you yet~"

You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and repeatedly punched him. You spit on his face as he was knocked unconscious. You grabbed the knife that was once in his hands. As you were about to plunge it into his heart, you blacked out.

"[F/N]!" The only voice you heard before drifting off into a sea of darkness.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now