Izaya Route Part 2

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A/N: I'll edit these later, I'm too tired to edit it now.

A loud crack echoed in the empty room. Your phone had instantly shattered on impact when Yuki threw it. He growled and turned towards you.

"You never learn do you?"

He gripped your face in his hands, squishing your poor cheekbones.

"Y-Yuki please." He let go and laughed maniacally. He held his head and stomach and doubled over with laughter.

"To think that out of all people, you'd contact him!" His eyes were wide, a creepy laugh echoing in the room. Your fist tightened. He mocked you.

"I'm a little surprised that you haven't used Ayano yet. Or is it because you can't because it's me?" You clenched your teeth in response. He laughed harder at your reaction.

"This is one of the many reasons why I fell for you [F/N]-chan. You're hilari-" You cut him off by yelling.

"Stop it! Please...I don't know what happened to the real Yuki, but I want hi back." He was silent for a few passing seconds before smirking.

"So that's why you haven't used Ayano. You don't want to hurt the "real" Yuki." He stepped towards you. "But honestly, that makes things much easier." He traced his knife around our face. You looked at the knife's movements with slight panic.

"After all, I kinda like the submissive type." He whispered close to your ear, his knife against your neck. He was behind you and you could feel his breath hitting your neck, causing you to shiver. You had been frozen in slight panic, and he used this as an advantage. He reached down to grab your waist and pull you over to him, until his movements ceased. He suddenly detached himself from you. Although you were confused, you breathed a sign of relief.

You followed Yuki's line of sight and saw a knife stuck in the wall in the same point Yuki was at. Your eyes looked up to the door.

"Ah, Yuki-kun. Last I've heard, you were out of town." Izaya's figure stands in the doorway, his hands in his pockets, and that familiar smirk on his face. Your heart sped up, a wave of relief hit you.

"Izaya!" He looked to your direction and smiled. He was a bit relieved you weren't injured, but still pissed that Yuki had kidnapped you. "That was a bit of an unfair method don't ya think Yuki-kun?" Izaya tilted his head innocently, to which Yuki growled. Izaya walked further into the room. Mikage appeared from behind them. She gave you an emotionless look.

"Mikage-chan, would you mind taking [F/N] somewhere else? I don't want her pretty little eyes to see this." She 'tched' in response. She glanced at you. "Oi, you. Follow me." She left quickly. You scrambled up and chased after her clumsily.

She walked, her arms crossed, leading you to a large, far room. This was her time. She could end you now since no one was around to witness it. She stopped abruptily, leaving her thoughts. You bumped in her and tried to thank her.

She couldn't stand it. That fake facade of kindness. No way you were genuinely that kind-no one was. She turned around quickly and punched you. The force of the action sent you into a wall. A crater indented around your body. Blood pooled from your pool. She scowled. Was that truly it? She stepped closer to you. To make sure himself that you were dead, she threw a punch at your cold corpse. Her eyes widened when a hand shot out and stopped the punch.

"Now that wasn't nice was it?"

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now