Chapter 3

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Beep Beep Beep B-

Annoyed, you shut off your alarm clock. On some mornings, you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

It was 8 am by the time you woke up. After you got dressed and ready to leave, it was 9. On time, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it revealing Shizuo.

"Good morn-" you waved.

"Let's go" he said turning abruptly.

You paid no mind to it, since you could relate to being grouchy this morning.

You locked up your apartment and started leaving with Shizuo. Then it dawned on you.

"Hey Shizuo?"

"Hmm?" He glanced at you through the corner of his eye.

"What job is this exactly?" He stopped.

"Right, we never told you yet, sorry." He scratched his head sheepishly.

"We're debt collectors. Tom hired me in case we were having trouble. So, I'm his bodyguard. I guess."

"Oh cool!" You looked at him and smiled.

"Y-Yeah, so you can help me bodyguard him, or persuade them to cooperate."

"Oh, then I'm looking foward to it. It sounds like fun!"

"Yeah" he smiled.

"Am I interrupting something?" Tom walked up and asked.

"O-Oh! N-No!" You blushed.

Shizou frowned at your reaction to Tom's comment. For some reason, he felt a pang of sadness when you said that.

"Mmhmm" Tom hummed, acting as if he didn't believe you.

Then a third voice decided to join the conversation.

"Ah Shizu-Chan, Nice day today isn't it?~" You turned around and saw a black haired male smirking. His eyes lit up when he saw you.

"Oh?" He walked towards you.
The closer he went towards you, the angrier Shizuo got.

"IZAYA!" Shizuo growled, picking up a nearby stop sign.

You sweatdropped at the action. 'Just what type of people did I get involved with now?'


"Now, now Shizu-Chan, I'm just visiting my favorite human is all~." Izaya smirked, looking down at you

"So you must be [F/N]-Chan. You look beautiful up close" He said wrapping an arm around your waist. As to how he knew your name was beyond you.

"T-thank you" You said blushing a light shade of pink.

"IZAYA LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" He growled getting angrier at the minute.

"Aw, Jealous?~" He said pulling you closer to him and smirking.

At that point Shizuo lost it. He couldn't handle seeing you that close to that flea. He threw it, aiming for Izaya.

Concerned about his wellbeing, you tried pushing Izaya out the way. But he didn't budge. So, you had to use force. At the last second you pulled both you and him down. As you fell, you squinted your eyes shut. After a few seconds you heard him speak.

"I kinda like this position~" He whispered huskily into your ear.

Your eyes snapped open and realized that he was straddling you. Both his arms were pinning you down. And you were close enough to feel his hot breath on your face.

Your pulse quickened and your blush darkened.

He lingered for a moment, then  teasingly got closer. As you were about to open your mouth to protest, he got up.

"Well it was nice meeting you [F/N]-Chan. Unfortunately I have places to go and someone to outrun. See you later!~" He blew you a kiss, waved, and ran as Shizuo chased after him.

Tom approached your blushing

"I would be careful around Izaya,
[F/N]" he said.

You blushed at the earlier event more, if that was even possible.

Breaking the reoccuring silence, Tom asked, "Ready to start?"

"Y-Yeah, but is Shizuo going to be okay?"

"He's fine. I'll text him where we're going."


"Let's go then"

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now