Chapter 19

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It seemed to happen in slow motion. A knife stabbed into Tom's side. His eyes went wide as he clutched his wound. The cloaked man's face revealed a wicked grin. Tears clouded your vision. 'It's all my fault...'  Varona only glared at the cloaked man.

Rage burned deep within your heart. "Varona...take care of Tom" You growled out. She nodded and scooped him up, and sprinted off.

  "Now, I'm afraid that I can't forgive you for this. You could've killed my friend." You narrowed your eyes at the man. He smirked. His voice has suprisingly changed. A deep husky voice spoke instead. "What are you gonna do? Punish me? I'm SO scared!" He mocked.

You grinded your teeth. "You first" You said, teeth clenched. He appeared in front of you, attempting a punch. You grabbed his fist and twisted it, but stumbled a bit. His speed was remarkable. He flashed behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist. You were pulled closer to his chest. "Now, I don't really want to hurt you darling." He whispered in your ear, blowing into it. Disgusted, you wrestled against him, slamming him into a wall. He grimaced, grunting.

You backed away from him. A furious expression on your face. He grinned at you, you gagged."You're pretty strong for a beautiful lady."

You didn't want to hear anymore from this sicko. You aimed a punch at him, but he grabbed it and tightened his hold on both of your wrists and pushed you against the wall. "You know... you get me really turned on." He stared at your lips and came closer to you. Panicking, you kneed him. As he bent down groaning, you grabbed him and threw him into the wall. Your eyes displayed your hatred and anger, and he saw it. He laughed. He kept mocking you.

You punched through the wall next to him. He had dodged your punch at the last minute. You struggled to pull your hand out from the wall. And he appeared behind you again. This guy was really getting on your nerves. He put his hands on either side of you. You struggled to yank your arm out.

"You know if you ever want to give in..." He placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing it. You shivered uncomfortably. When you finally got your hand free, you elbowed him in the face. You had enough.

'Ayano, please lend me your strength.'

He staggered back and his eyes grew wide as your eyes rolled back, your sanity plummeting. You stalked over to him, you were walking shakily. Your fingers, and head twitching. You grinned at his frightened expression. You kicked him into the wall.

As he crashed through the wall, you ran up to him and grabbed his collar. You clenched it so tight, your fingers were trembling. You screeched, he screamed in agony. His ears bled. You repeatedly punched him.

"I-I'll m-mi-miss a-a be-bea-beauty li-lik-like y-yo-you." Your eyes darkened. You let him down, he coughed out splotches of blood. "So you finally ga-"

His eyes went wide.

Your hand stuck through his body. Your hand gripped his heart. You pulled your arm out.

The last image in his mind was your eerie self, your eyes pitch black. Time seemed to stop for him.

You dropped him to the ground. Squeezing the disconnected organ, until it bursted. The blood landed on your face and on your clothes.

Your eyes switched back. You looked at your hands. You..

You killed someone.

You looked at the corpse. You dropped to your knees. Tears streamed down your face.

You imagined what it would be like if you didnt have Ayano to help you. Things could've been much worst for you.

You screamed, gripping your hair. As if on cue, Shizuo came running into the building. Both of your eyes were wide. Though yours were wider. He ran over to you, kneeling down to hug you. He helped you stand.

"I-I I killed him." You spoke. He looked down at your tears. His heart wrenched at your expression, so he hugged you. "Its ok [F/N]... you can tell me what happened later." He broke apart the hug and cupped your face. He wiped the tears from your hand, and without hesitation grabbed your bloody hand and led you away from the scene. As you were about to leave, you gave one final look at the man's body, then turned again.

Shizuo led you to his house. He let you use his shower. As the water wiped off the blood from you, you reflected on the past event. Normally, you were stopped before you could kill someone. But this time, it was too late. You actually ended a person's life. With your own hands.

You stepped out the shower. Your bloodied clothes were replaced with new ones. You assumed they were Shizuo's. You slipped them on. His clothes were slightly big on your small form. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked terrible. You looked down at your hands. Those hands assisted in a murder. You've never killed anyone before.

You couldn't erase his slimy touch away from your memory. What if you didn't end it there? What if he did more? You shivered at the thought. Your mind wandered to Tom. You were curious to his current condition. If all your friends found out you killed someone then...

A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. "[F/N] are you done? I'm washing your clothes, I hope you don't mind though." You opened the door.

You looked so adorable in his clothes. And he blushed when you suprisingly hugged him tightly .

"Can I tell you something?" Your voice wavered. He broke away from his thoughts and looked at you. "Hm?"

You led him to his couch and sat with him. "About what happened back there..."

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now