Shizuo Route Part 2

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A/N: I feel much better now. Thanks for everyone's comments. They really helped. :)

A loud cracked echoed in the empty room. Your phone had instantly cracked on impact when Yuki threw it to the ground. He growled and turned towards you.

"You never learn do you?" He snarled, gripping your face in his hands. He squished your poor cheekbones.

"Y-Yuki p-please." He laughed at your weakened state. "I'm a little surprised you haven't used Ayano yet. Or is it because you can't use her because it's me?" You glared at him, and to his amusement, he laughed.

"Aww, [F/N] I'm touched." He mocked. He slapped you across the face. You fell over holding your bruised cheek. "I have no idea who you contacted but, I guess we'll stay here and wait for them." He came closer to you and placed one arm tightly around your waist with the other holding on tight to a knife.

"I am a bit sad though. Waiting all this time, hoping you would accept my confession." He chuckled sadly. You gave a pained expression, feeling guilty. "I-I-" He silenced you. "Don't. Talk." He said angrily. You whimpered at the change in expression.

"All this wasted ti-" He was then cut off by loud noises. He went quiet, quickly putting the knife against your heart. Sounds of doors being kicked open and loud, frustrated groans filled the abandoned apartment building. Yuki sighed. "Shizuo. He'll be a tough one."

The door flew open, flying off the hinges of its frame. Shizuo appeared in the door way, infuriated. He stepped inside but stopped. He noticed your familiar position.

"Take one more step and I'll stab her right in the heart." Yuki threatened, glaring at Shizuo. Shizuo returned the glare, and angrily spoke. "There's no way in hell I'll believe your BULL**-" Yuki quickly cut him off.

"Ah, but Ayano is delaying. If I do kill her, she'll have a very low chance of surviving it."

Unfortunately, Yuki didn't know that Shizuo's rage, doesn't reason with anything.

Shizuo grabbed the door and threw it at him. Yuki quickly moved out the way, dropping you out a windowsill in the process. You screeched as you fell, frantically reaching out for anything to stop your fall.

Shizuo's fuse blew. He charged at Yuki, screaming profanities at him. Varona ran over to look over the window. She nearly cursed herself when she found out that you were still alive. You gripped on to a windowsill two floors down. You looked up and saw Varona peering down at you, and quickly ducking her head back in. You presumed that she was going to help you.

"I go to get her. She still alive." Which was glorious news to Shizuo, who almost sighed in relief if he wasn't too busy choking Yuki. She ran out the exit, leaving the two to their battle. She quickly ran down to the level you were on.

Your fingers loosened as your grip on the windowsill was about to break. You looked down. You were still pretty far up, as this was a tall building, it would hurt like hell if you fell. You panicked as your fingers were slipping from the windowsill. You almost cried when your hand disconnected from the windowsill, but a hand reached out and grabbed yours in time. They pulled you up and over the ledge. As you dusted yourself off and looked up, you saw that your hero was Varona.

"Thank you so much Varona-san. I thought I was-"

A shot rang out.

You slowly looked down and gazed at your leg. Your eyes went wide when you lifted your head and saw Varona pointing her pistol at you. "Varona-san what-"

Another shot. In your chest. You fell back. She finally spoke up.

"I did not want you to die in such way. You die by my hands." She spat venomously. She stepped closer to you and shot you several times. In your knees, arms, hands, feet. She reloaded her pistol again. "I recall man said you have low chance of survival. I will take it. And if for strange reason you do survive, I will find pleasure in killing you over again." She lastly shot you in your brain. Blood poured from your mouth. She came to the conclusion that you were dead.

She turned from the scene and walked away to the exit. She began planning on what to say to Shizuo. She thought 'Maybe if I say she try to kill me and that I used self-defense, It work?' She would have to make it up as she went along.

She was about to leave through the exit when she heard that familiar, eerie laugh.

"So what about those low chances?"

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