Chapter 9

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A/N: [F/C] = Favorite Color if you didn't know.

Shizuo panicked. Tom ran inside and saw your body laying on the ground, a pool of blood underneath it.

Shizuo grabbed a cloth and pressed it on the rather deep wound. He scooped you up in his arms, bridal style.

"I'm going to Shinra's." He said glancing at Tom.

Tom nodded. "I'll clean this up then."

Shizuo ran full speed. He went through alleys to avoid contact with other people.

He arrived after a few minutes, slamming the door open, panting heavily. Shinra turned, he looked suprised.

"S-Shizuo, what-"

"Just shut up and take her in."

Shinra gulped. "Alright bring her in here."

Shizuo walked to the room and placed you on the counter. He lingered there, staring at your face. If he lost you he didn't know what he would-



"Can you wait outside?"

"And wh-"

"Um well... I need to take her top off to get to her wound."

"Oh" Shizuo blushed and quickly left the room.

A few minutes later, Shinra came out. Shizuo stood up. He looked at Shinra. Shinra's expression held a look of surprise. Shizuo looked at Shinra questioningly.

"With a wound like that, she should've died. When I looked at the wound it was fixing itself." Shinra looked astonished.

"What?" Shizuo said equally suprised.

"What even happened?"

Shizuo began to tell Shinra the story.

You gasped and sat up.

"Wh-Where am I?"

You looked down at a scar on your chest.

"Huh? What?"

The previous incident flooded through your mind. You held your head.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no!"

A man with a white coat, glasses, and black hair entered the room.

"Oh you're awake."

"U-Um who are you? An-And where am I?" You said nervously.

"Ah, there's no need to be scared! My name is Kishitani, Shinra. And I am a doctor." You calmed down a bit.

"Your shirt had a lot of blood on it, so I got a new shirt for you." He brung out a [F/C] sweater.

"Thank you Kishitani-Sensei." You gave a bow.

(Note: As "sensei" can refer to teachers, it can also refer to  doctors, politicians, and other authority figures.)

Shinra, a little flustered, said "Just call me Shinra." You nodded and slipped the shirt on.

"And you're [L/N]-san right?" You nodded.

"Yeah Celty told me about you." You looked at him confused.

"Celty is my fiancee! And don't worry, she's said all good things!" He said waving his hands.

"Ah you'll have to invite me to your wedding then" You said smiling.

"Well of course, since you're Celty's friend!" He said excited. You grinned at the word 'friend'.

"Anyways, I'm afraid that you'll have some explaining to do." He said, his expression turning serious.


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