Chapter 6

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You woke up debating whether or not it was worth it to wake up. You groaned when you saw 6:00 am on your clock.

Yawning, you walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.

'Oh shoot, I won't have any food for lunch.. I'll have to go out later then.' You sighed.

You opened the blinds to the window. It was a beautiful day outside. You might as well cherish it.

You showered, got dressed, brushed your teeth, fulfilling your morning routine. By the time you went outside it was 7:30.

You walked around town, visiting different shops.

As you were walking outside, it was lunch time. You sat on the nearby bench and ate food you bought at a nearby bakery.

As you ate, you noticed a motorcycle park nearby, then the owner making his- or her's way over. She brought out her phone and began typing. Then, after she was done, she put it in your face and it read:

"Hi, I'm Celty Sterluson, I've heard about you from Shizuo and Tom. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm [F/N], [L/N]. It's nice to meet you too Sterluson-san." You bowed politely.

She squirmed a little, and started texting again.

"You really do have manners so the rumors state."

"Rumors huh?" You pondered as you held your hand on your chin.

"Oh don't worry [F/N], they're good rumors. According to Shizuo, he was saying how you were so polite, nice, strong, beau-"

You blushed. Shizuo thought you were beautiful?

"Oh hey Celty, [F/N].

You heard a voice behind you, and turned around.

"Heya Shizuo" you greeted. But again, blushed at your previous discovery.

"So what's up?"

"I was just shopping, and got something for lunch, when i ran into Celty."

As you three were talking, laughing, joking, Celty noticed a sparkle in Shizuo's eyes that wasn't present before. She "smiled" to herself at the thought of knowing Shizuo's crush. She looked at the two, and realized that they were really compatible. They would make a great couple. She began typing, wanting to leave the two alone for a while.

"Oh look at the time, I gotta go. See you guys later." She waved.

The both of you waved back at her.

"Aw bye Celty! Nice meeting you!" You said with your usual cheery voice.

"See ya Celty."

The two continued talking, they got into the subject of their past.

"So, where did you learn to fight?"
Shizuo asked.

"From myself."

"Huh? Really? No teacher or anything?"

"I mean my dad taught me the basics but I mainly learned when I was younger. You see, where I grew up, there was alot of crime and violence. And that reflected on some of the kids in our town. Bullies in my school picked on me and my friends. One day this kid started beating up one of my friends so i decided to protect her by fighting them."

"Did you win?"

"No, I kept trying repeatedly. I kept the thought that 'If I didn't win they would never leave my friends alone.' So I began to learn to fight from people like them over a long period of time. As time grew on, when I did beat them, other people wanted to fight me as well"

"Wow... That's amazing."

You blushed. He blushed as well, looking away.

Izaya looked out at the duo. He couldn't stand that monster near his dear [F/N]. He had to get between the two.

As [F/N] and Shizuo were laughing and talking, a new voice entered their conversation.

"Oh, Shizu-Chan. Nice running into you. Oh? [F/N]-Chan too? What a wonderful delight~"

Shizuo snarled at Izaya. Izaya smirked and went closer to [F/N].

"Am I interrupting a date?"

You went red. "No, no, It's nothing like that, we were just talking!"

Shizuo felt a pain in his chest at your response. 'Why would I? It's true anyway..' He brushed it off.

Izaya grew even closer to [F/N], going behind her. His eye contact maintaining on Shizuo's with a smirk. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed their bodies close together. He whispered into your ear.

"Then does [F/N] mind if i take you somewhere? To be specific, my place?"

You blushed heavily, you averted your eyes.

Meanwhile, Shizuo grew angrier at the minute. That flea was getting too close.

"Izaya...get away from her." He growled, trying to maintain his anger.

"No can do Shizu-Chan, you had your fun, now it's my turn!" He scooped you up and carried you bridal style. He ran.

Shizuo, fuming looked as you were whisked away. Staring helplessly as you turned the corner.


Izaya finally stopped. You were at his apartment.

You looked up at Izaya.

"Hm? What's the matter [F/N]-Ch-"

"Do you like me?"

Izaya stunned for a moment, put you down and led you inside his house. His ears were a faint pink as he was turned away from you.

"[F/N]-Chan, I love humans all in the same way. Favoriting one would be unfair wouldn't it?"

You nodded then spoke again.

"Ah, but Shizuo is human too so-"

Izaya's demeanor darkened.

"No, he's a monster."

You were stunned his response. You coughed, looking around the apartment.

"Izaya you have a nice apartment."

His once dark manner changed just as quickly.

"Ah thank you [F/N]-Chan. Say, are you hungry by any chance?"

Your stomach grumbled. You looked away, embarrassed.

"Why don't we cook together?" He grabbed your hand and led you to his kitchen.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now