Chapter 26

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You woke up to feel a pair of arms around your waist. You looked behind you, slightly bewildered. You caught sight of a raven-haired male. He was sleeping soundly. He looked peaceful, and even cute. You continued to stare at Izaya. A few minutes passed by until his eyes peeked open. When he saw your awakened state, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. You watched until your delayed reaction finally came.

"H-huh?! Izaya what are you doing sleeping with me?! How-no why did you sneak into my house?!" He pouted. "Did you not want to see me [F/N]-chan? I'm hurt." You frantically
waved your hands, not wanting to 'hurt' his feelings. "Ah n-no! That's not what I meant!" Izaya chuckled, poking your cheek. "Hehe. I'm just kidding
[F/N]-chan. But I thought I'd just pay you a visit. After all, I haven't seen you in a while." You nodded in understanding. "Then do you want to go out Izaya?" You glanced at your window. "It looks like a nice day todau anyways." He smiled at your request. "I thought you'd never ask."

As the two of you walked together in the street, Izaya thought about the previous events. You were definitely special. Any regular person would have reacted in a totally different manner than you did. That was one of the many reasons he liked being around you. You didn't give much expected reactions. You seemed different from everyone. You were too valuable. Too valuable to lose.

Izaya took your hand, leading you to a small and cute cafe. You blushed at the suddent contact. The warmth of his hands encased yours. Little did you know, there was another person who the act didn't go unnoticed to.

Mikage, who was formerly holding a water bottle in her hand, crushed it in her hands in a matter of seconds. She muttered profanities when the water splashed onto her face. She reasurred herself that Izaya wasn't serious. She knew who you were so she only concluded that Izaya was merely going to trap you into something. After all, he only loved her right? She turned, walking in the other direction. She kept the fact that she was only lying to herself in the back of her mind.

Izaya opened the door for you and led you to a seat near a window. It was quiet for a while, until Izaya opened his mouth. "I admit that I was a bit surprised at your reaction this morning. I would have expected you throw me out or something." You giggled. "I mean, I was a bit surprised as well. But I guess I kinda gotten used to it, considering the fact that you got into my locked house before." He smiled teasingly. "I was a bit afraid that I'd accidentally pop in while you were changing." Your face flushed at the thought of it. He leaned closer to your face. "Hm? Are you imagining lewd things [F/N]-chan? How naughty~" He whispered huskily into your ear. He chuckled at your reddened face. He knew you weren't as bold as him, and he decided to use that as an advantage in the future.

The both of you continued enjoying your time together. Izaya occasionally threw in a suggestive comment or two. When you walked out of the small cafe, it was in the afternoon. Izaya stretched, his shirt stretching up a bit. You stared in a daze, until Izaya appeared behind you. "Are you thinking of naughty things [F/N]?" He whispered in your ear, his breath tickling it. You squeaked, and jumped away. You became flustered at that action, and even more so since he called your name without an honorific. He chuckled then turned to you. "Where to next [F/N]-chan?"

You looked around, spotting a few clothing stores. You needed to buy some new clothes anyway. You walked into a random store, Izaya following behind. You looked at a few dresses, Izaya doing the same. The both of you looking for something that would suit you. You felt yourself being pulled by Izaya. He led you to a dressing room, with a few dresses he picked out himself, in hand. He showed you to a random one, but lingered around the open door. "Ya know [F/N]-chan, I could help you change..." You quickly closed the door on him.

After a few dresses that didn't suit you, you stumbled upon a nice dress. (Use your imagination to decide what the dress, or any other outfit would look like.) You slowly opened the door, showing the dress off to Izaya. He stared for a few seconds, blushing. He regained his composure quickly. "Wow [F/N]-chan, you look amazing!" He smiled and winked at you. "A-ah thank you." You shyly closed the door back, changing back into your own clothes. You both walked to the cashier. As the cashier told the total, you reached into your purse to grab your wallet. Izaya stopped you. "Uh, uh [F/N]-chan. I'll pay." He pushed your wallet back into your purse. The cashier, an elderly woman, smiled. "Oh my, what a gentleman. Are the two of you dating?" You nervously attempted to answer the question. "A-Ah, we-we're n-" You were pushed into Izaya's side as he wrapped his free arm around your waist. "Unfortunately, no." The cashier frowned playfully, although a bit disappointed. "Aw, you two would make a good couple though. Have a nice day kids." The cashier waved, to which you returned. You turned to Izaya as you two walked out the store. "Thank you Izaya, but I have a question." He turned his head to face you. "Hm? What's up [F/N]-chan?"

"How did you know my size?"

Izaya stopped walking, he was a bit stunned at the unexpected question. The question was normal, but he didn't expect you to pick up on it that fast. "Nice question [F/N]-chan, but that's a secret~" He held his finger to lips as if to emphasize his point. Although a bit creepy and mysterious, you decided not to push the matter further. You put it in the back of your mind. "Okie dokie." Izaya smiled at your cuteness, and inwardly sighed in relief.

As the two of you walked and chatted in a random direction, a certain store peaked his interest. An idea sprouted inside his head. Your vision was quickly reduced to a sea of black. Your body went into a state of panic. "I-Izaya wha-" He shushed you. "It's ok [F/N]-chan, but I wanted to lead you somewhere. It's a surprise. Okay?" You nodded slightly. "A-Alright Izaya." He quickly grabbed your hand excitedly, and led you to the store.

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