Chapter 14

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You yawned. You sat up from the bed, rubbing your eyes. "Hmm? Where's my phone? Oh it's at home nevermind then." You muttered.

You looked down at your clothes. 'Hm? I'm wearing something different? Did that pervert dress me?'

You walked out the room. You saw Izaya working on his computer. You heard he was an informant.

"Izaya...Uh...Who dressed me?"

"Well good morning right back to you [F/N]-chan, and are you implying that I did?"

"U-uh w-well I don't see anyone else here..."

"As much as I'd like to, no. My lovely secretary Namie did~" When he said her name, a woman with pale skin and brown eyes stepped up. She has long black hair, a white lab coat, and a green turtleneck shirt. She also wore a dark red miniskirt with black leggings.

"So you're Izaya's plaything huh?" You squinted your eyes, a bit offended. "Far from it." You crossed your arms and walked toward the door.

"Goodbye [F/N]-chan~!" You left without a word heading back to your house.

Izaya looked at Namie. "You do realize my love life is none of your business right?"

"Tch, Like I could care less." She spoke with annoyance laced in her voice. She was about to walk off.

"And let's not forget I hired you." She stopped for a second, earning Izaya another "Tch".

"And let's not forget about Seiji-kun-"

"Don't you dare bring Seiji into this!" She snarled angrily. Izaya only chuckled and went back to his business.

"I wonder why you're not dead yet." She muttered.

When you arrived at your apartment you saw Shizuo about to leave.

"Hmm? [F/N]? You weren't home?"

"Y-Yeah well I uh..." Then he walked closer to you.

"And you reek of a certain smell...You smell like that flea..."

(A/N: A kind of smelly smell that smells...smelly.)

You scratched your neck. "I'd explain but its a long story.."

"OK well tell me later, but Tom wanted me to tell you that you can have the day off today. Seeing as from all the stuff that's happened."

"Thanks Shizuo, send Tom, and Shinra-san my thanks as well." Shizuo nodded his head.

You hugged him. Shizuo was taken aback for a few seconds, then hugged back, blushing a bright red. "I'll see you later then." He turned and walked back.

Shizuo and Tom walked into Russia Sushi. "We might run into someone like that again, you know."

"Yeah I guess."

"Wow! Shizuo, Tom-san! Welcome!" Dennis' voice welcomed. They greeted Dennis.

"By the way did you ever thank that underground doctor for helping [F/N]

"Uh no, not yet."

"I know you guys go way back or whatever but you should thank him."

"Yeah, you're right. It totally slipped through my mind." Shizuo picked up his phone. "Hey about yesterday, I've been wanting to tell you me and her said thank you, okay? Oh...OK then, I'll call another time."

"What's up?"

"Seems like he was busy. He said we should talk tomorrow maybe. But for some reason he sounded close to tears though."

"I wonder what happened." Tom glanced at a girl with shoulder length blond hair and purple eyes.

"You know that girl over there, she's really giving us the eye." Shizuo turned. "Yeah you're right. Actually, I don't remember her being on staff here."

Tom turned to Dennis. "Hey master, when did you hire such a drop-dead gorgeous girl? Is she also russian?"

"She's just observing. Since she can't so much as bring you hand towels, just think of her as a russian knick-knack."

"Oh yeah? How do you say you are attractive in russian?" Shizuo sweatdropped. 'He's flirting again.'

Dennis looked up. "Вы привлекательны"

"Bee privle bartend nen, huh? Hey bee privle bartend nen!" Tom shouted over to the girl. The girl looked at Dennis. She spoke in Russian.

"что он говорит? не ясно" (What is he saying? It is unclear.)

"вы привлекательны" (You are attractive.) Dennis responded. She looked back at the duo.

"Зачем ему предлагают такую ​​услугу для губ пожалуйста, объясните, в сжатой форме" (Why would he offer such lip service? Please explain in a concise manner.)

"вот что сказал парень к вам" (That's what the guy said to you.)

Tom blushed.

"и на каком языке он говорит в." (And what tongue is he speaking in?)

Tom whispered to Shizuo. "Hey, was my pronunciation that off?" Shizuo looked at Tom. "No. Not that I can really tell."

"I really put my foot in my mouth then, huh? I don't know why but shes glaring at us." Shizuo glanced over at the girl. "It's probably because of the wierd way you hit on her." Tom looked at Shizuo, then his head dropped. "You think so? Yeah I guess so."

Dennis served their food. "You guys, how's business?" Tom looked up. "Huh?"

"Like you're not shorthanded or anything are you?" Dennis clarified. "Well, we have one on a day off."

"I see. Then how about using that knick-knack over there?" They both looked at the girl.

The three walked, Shizuo and Tom walked in the front and the girl, Varona, in the back. She spoke up. "I am expressing my thoughts, I have not yet heard of the specifics of my job." Tom turned slightly. "Uh we recover money that should be paid from bad people who won't pay up. OK?" Varona nodded. "Collection of protection money. Understood."

"Well, it's not protection money exactly.." Shizuo looked deep in thought as he walked on. Varona, eyeing him.

You were walking around, strolling. You heard rumors being spoken around town. "Hey did you hear? Shizuo had another woman with him." Amused, you stopped, wanting to hear the rest of it.

"So him being seriously injured was a lie?"

"But the part about the women is true!"

"Wasn't it just his dreadlock companion and an other girl? What happened to her?"

"Eh, she must've been replaced. But I saw them in the city. And she had eyes for Shizuo." Your chest tightened. You continued walking.

You had first figured they were firing you, but you brushed that off since you were on your day off. They may have gotten a new addition. And rumors are rumors right?

On your little walk, you went to different shops, window shopping, browsing, and buying. It was finally a peaceful day for you.

You walked home, but a thought you wanted to brush away still lingered in your mind. Shizuo did kiss you. You took it as a sign he liked you. But what if he didn't anymore? What if he fell in love with that girl in the rumors? You decided, if that was true, you'd want them to be happy. Along with Izaya and Mikage. But you still hoped to be friends.

Love Rivalry (Shizuo x Reader x Izaya)Where stories live. Discover now