The nerd

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There will be self harm in this chapter so please if you are going through something then please please please do not read this I don't want you to get hurt.

Deans POV


The alarm clock startled me as I remembered what day it was.

"Ugh" I groaned to myself as I shoved my thick glasses on my nose and trudged over to Sam's room.

"Sam!" I yelled pounding my fist against his door, still half asleep.

"Dean stop yelling I've been awake for an hour!"

"What time is it?" panic hinted in my voice.

"Relax it's only 7:03 school starts in half an hour"

"Why were you up so damn early" he's a bigger nerd then me I thought and I've been president of the robotics club.

"It's our our first day again! I want to look decent." We had moved around a lot because our dad was in the F.B.I. But when I turned 18 I got custody of Sam and we got our own apartment here in Kansas. This would be our home now, for a long time.

"To impress the boys" I laughed to myself, Sam had openly come out as gay two years ago and last year I announced I was bisexual.

"Shut up!"

"Come on Sammy it's true and you know it!"

"Whatever go get ready"

"Ok mom" I mumbled slowly walking towards the bathroom.

"And stop calling me Sammy!" I threw my head back and laughed. Never.

In the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth and spiked my sandy blonde hair not really caring what it looked like. Then walked into my room throwing a deep blue collared shirt onto my bed, my good pair of light tan khakis, and black vans.

As I quietly dressed my mind centered to school. Would things be like the last school? Would I still be bullied?Would this one be hell for me too? I looked down at my arms thin white lines covered the surface of my skin.

No matter what anyone says the life I live is chaos. Even the smallest thing can set me over the edge, loving me is to love a haunted house. It's nice to visit once a year but no one wants to live there.

My head spun from the memories of the razor kissing my skin, cold metal drawing blood.

I ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I glanced at the clock on the wall 7:15. I grabbed the razor stained with dry blood out from under the sink as tears streamed down my face.

I thought about how quickly my life could fall apart in this instant I was not okay, but minuets ago I was. Welcome to my life.

I pulled it across my skin as my speakers blasted skinny love. Tears of red ran down my arm over old scars and lost hope. Over and over again I dragged, never to deep. I looked down at my arm and the multiple cuts, wrapping them in bandages I walked back into my room thankful Sam was still in his room.

I yanked my black jacket over my arms, it was April but still chilly. So it didn't matter.

"Sammy lets go!"

"Alright just a second"

"I'll be in the car!" I yelled walking outside and into my shiny black '67 Impala. I wiped tears off of my cheeks and started the car just as Sam sat in the passenger's seat.

"You ready for your first day of school?" I asked looking over at Sam.

"As I'll ever be" he spoke nervously.

"Atta boy." I drove off to my most certain death high school.


Hey guys thus is my first high school AU so be nice. Vote and comment pleaseeeeeeeeee. Update soon.

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