The Party

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     As Charlie, Anna, and I walked up the front lawn, I noticed it was littered with empty cans and red plastic cups.  We could hear the music coming from the massive house. They were playing, You're Gonna go Far Kid  by The Offspring . I reached the front door and turned the knob soon regretting it when music blasted louder than I thought possible. Anna pushed past us and immediately started dancing with the mass of people. 

     "Later losers!" She yelled over her shoulder getting lost in the crowd.

     "Be careful!" I yelled knowing she probably couldn't hear me.

     Charlie came up beside me and tugged on my sleeve "Come on, let's go get drinks!" she said, her voice barely audible over the extremely loud music.

     "Alright." I yelled back as she took my hand and dragged me into the kitchen were she then handed me a cup about half way full.     

     "I'm going to dance!" she shimmied her way out of the kitchen and into the living room where her and everyone else were grinding. But one specific pair of dancers caught my attention. Abaddon and Castiel. Cas was standing there swaying and drinking while Abaddon was rubbing herself all over him. I felt overwhelming jealousy and I stepped out of the kitchen and started dancing, eventually finding my way to Anna.

     "What are you so bummed out about!" She yelled over the music turning to face me.

      "Nothing" I took another drink and stated moving my body in time with the music.

     "Whatever I know that look, spill it Winchester." I started walking into the kitchen to grab another drink and she followed. "Come on Dean, care to share with the class?" I took another drink from the new cup in my hand, swallowing down the bitter liquid before answering her.

     "It's really nothing Anna." I repeated one more time before glancing at Castiel and his dancing whore. Anna's eyes followed my gaze and stopped once she saw Cas and Abaddon. 

"Don't get all bummed out about it dean, you barely even knew the guy. I mean you only talked to him for one day!" she threw he hands up in the air to exaggerate her point.

     "Okay, okay, I get it jeez." I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed. "But damn he's hot."

     "Yeah Duh, everyone in the school is in love with Castiel, even if the guys won't admit it ." She went to go get another beer but stumbled a little. 

     Was Anna drunk already?  I thought. 

     "Though he was gay." I couldn't help but sound disappointed.

     "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no" she put a finger up to my lips "he swings both ways, but do not fret young one, Abaddon is not his type." And with that she danced out of the room where she began to grind on her boyfriend Benny.

     I started feeling a really really out of it when I finished the beer I had in my hand, I wasn't sure how many I had but it had been enough. I, Dean Winchester was drunk. I walked into the living room and started dancing, eventually I started grinding on some guy named Balthazar. I mean he was really hot so......... it was ok, right? I turned to faced him as we danced to the up-beat sound of the music and he drifted closer to me, pressing his body flush with mine.

     I tried to push away but my drunken body just kept dancing. Suddenly I felt his finger underneath my chin as he brought his lips to mine gently. Balthazar moved his lips slowly and passionately, and against everything I wanted to do, I kissed him back. The kiss got heated fast, soon he had taken my hand and dragged me onto the stair case where he pushed my up against the wall and started kissing my neck, a minute ago I wasn't sure if I wanted this or not, but now I was sure I didn't.

     I put my hands on his chest and tried my best to shove him off. But he grabbed my wrists and pinned my against the wall forcing his mouth onto mine. I yelled a feeble cry for help before he put his hand over my mouth.

     "Shut up, little bitch." He tried kissing me once more before I heard a yell coming from the bottom of  the stairs. 


DUN DUN DUN. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, sorry it took so long to update.

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