High School (part two)

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Castiel's POV

Keep calm he is probably straight. But damn he's perfect, his stupid perfect white teeth, stupid luscious lips, stupid muscular arms, stupid cute glasses, stupid jaw line, stupid future boyfriend probably thinks he's straight.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Watson yelling as we entered his classroom.

"Care to explain to the class why you two are late?" I glanced at Dean blushing and decided I would take care of Mr. Watson for both of us and defend his honor.

"Because English sucks ass and when I'm a rock star I won't need to know where a comma goes in a sentence." I snapped, looking at dean I realized how shocked he was.

"Now Castiel that is quite enough, is this the new guy?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Dean correct?" Mr. Watson asked looking towards dean.

"Umm y-yes s-s-ir." God he looks so innocent and adorable, I need to tap that.......No he is probably straight damn it.

"Care to introduce yourself to the class?" Mr. Watson's smug smile stretched across his face and he lean on his desk motioning to the class full of kids.

Don't let him get away with that dean say something snarky. Dont let him taunt and walk all over you like that. I glanced at dean and he picked up on my look, immediately smoothing his expression.

"Hiya class I'm the Dean Winchester." he said taking a bow, I couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"Care to be more specific?" Mr. Watson never turned a finer shade of dark red before.

"Ok....I'm Dean Winchester, I enjoy long walks on the beach and frisky women."

That was all it took I was on the floor laughing and holding my stomach along with the rest of the class.

"Ok that's enough, that's enough, Castiel..Dean go take your seats." We silently walked to the back of the class stifling laughs and took two seats in the last row.

"Dude that was amazing" I whispered in Dean's ear as the teacher blabbed on about the proper usage of punctuation.

"I was so scared"

"Legendary" I whispered before turning my attention back to Mr. Watson.

"Thanks" his eyebrows knit together as he turned his attention to the teacher.

Damn you to hell. Stop being so perfect.

Dean Winchester you will be the death of me.


When the boys first become friends!! Yay. An update will be soon I hope.

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