Petty parties

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Dean's POV

Castiel. I love Cas. But I have something I must confess. You won't like it but please just listen because before I explain this to Cas. I must explain this to you.

Cas and I have been together for about a week and  a half now. Everything was going perfectly. Until one night I went over to Benny's for a couple drinks with friends without Cas.



Everyone yelled as I downed the last shot in front of me beating Meg by two.

"You really can hold them down Dean." Meg smirked and winked at me "I like a man who can handle his alcohol." I smiled back at her before taking the last sip of my beer and going to go get another one.

I called castiel suddenly feeling lonely without his presence.

ring ring rin- " hello Dean? "

"Hello Cassie"

"Dean are you drunk?"

"pshhhh noo my little casssie baby."

"Dean yes you are I hope you don't plan on driving home."  No matter how bad Cas pretended to be he really cares.

I stopped I hadn't thought about how I was going to get home.

"nahh I will just stay at Benny's house tonight."

"Okay Dean I miss you, see you tomorrow."

"I really just wanna kiss you right nowww cassssss."

"Goodnight Dean." He hung up.

If only I had left Benny's house right then. I could have prevented what came next.

"Hey Dean." Meg walked up to me and ran her hand across my chest while gradually getting closer and closer to me.

"Hey Meg." I looked down at her, she had spilt beer on herself and taken her pants off in strip poker.

" wanna go upstairs?" She lightly grabbed the front of my shirt and started pulling my towards the staircase and I didn't object, I didn't push her away an I didn't tell her no.

The only other thing I remember that night before everything went fuzzy was the sight of Meg on top of me as I pulled my shirt off then, black.

The next morning I awoke nude next to a naked Meg and a raging headache. I frantically searched for my clothes and my wallet as I ran to the bathroom to get dressed an get as far away as possible from what was happening right now.

"shit shit shit shit shit." I cursed out loud as I started the engine and sped off in the direction of castiels house. I know I had brought extra clothes there so I could change then. Right now was not the time to worry about that. But about what I had just done to Cas.

My Cas, the punk, the stoner, the all around though guy, and I just had to go and do something like this.

I just had to.


sorry bois I couldn't help myself. Inbox me ideas for another one shot book I want to start!

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