Forgive me father for I have sinned.

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Okay dudes this chapter has some warning but I can't say what they are because I don't wanna ruin the surprise.

Castiel's POV

Of course it had to be dean. Who else would it be? I mean this is just my luck.

I turned and looked at dean. "What are you doing here dean?" His eyes dropped and his expression turned to stone.

Dean's POV

"Cas I just wanted to apologize. What I did yesterday at the party was wro-" before I could finish my sentence I felt Cas' lips on mine. Kissing me softly.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do but I found myself kissing him back. My lips moving in sync with his. I moaned as his tongue ring slipped passed my lips and entered my mouth.

Leaving me gripping desperately at his hair and the front of his t-shirt.

Cas was the first to pull away gasping for breath and staring me in the eyes.

"Dean I'm sorry I don't know-" I cut him off kissing his lips again, today was not the day for finishing sentences.

I pushed Cas' back down against the bed and crawled on top of him, straddling his hips and pushing against him lightly, but still hard enough to earn a harsh gasp from Cas.


" I know Cas, I know." I pulled my shirt over my head and kisses his neck grinding my hips against his.

"Hey Cas wha- AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Gabriel scream as he walked in the door. Like I said not the type of day for finishing sentences.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Have was still standing there screaming as I jumped off of Cas and threw my shirt on.

"Have what the fuck! " castiel yelled trying to cover a major boner.


"GABE WILL YOU QUIT SCREAMING AND GET OUT OF MY ROOM" Cas yelled throwing a pillow in his direction.

"AHHHHHH!" He yelled again before throwing his hands in the air and running out of the room.

"Umm, I'm sorry man." Castiel apologized before going over to close his door.

"It's okay Cas. Are we good?"

"Yeah we're good." We closed the space between us once again before we hear Gabriel yell from his room a distant "AHHHHH"

"Haha" I laughed before collapsing back onto the bed.

For once everything might be okay.


This story needed a little good vibes :)

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