Well Fuck

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Dean's POV

Ever since Cas left me I've been miserable.

I hardly eat or sleep and my friends barely recognize me anymore.

I started drinking and smoking weed. I'm high all the time. Pains grasp is no longer in my reach. But I doubt Castiel  even cares. All that bullshit about how he can't love me, like anyone ever could. But sometimes I think awful things, things of hate, things only a desperate mind spiraling into madness could imagine.

Today I'm supposed to go to some party at my friends named Benny's house. It's gonna be a totally awesome.

I decided to get ready and threw on my black skinny jeans and baggy white shirt. 

"Shit" I cursed out loud realizing it was 11pm and I was late for the party.

I ran down the stairs and saw Sammy sleeping on the couch as the doctor who theme song played and I ran out the door grabbing my car keys and rushing to Benny's.

~At Benny's~

Castiel's POV

My friend Benny's was throwing a party this weekend and everyone was going. Even Dean. The only person in the world I wanted to see. The only one I wanted to be with. But he was better away from me. Better where I couldn't hurt him. Like I hurt everyone else.

"HEy CAssiE hows it goign bub?" Anna slurred her words as she neared the counter I was sitting on.

"It's goin, I think you've had a bit much to drink Anna." I stated pouring her beer into my  now full cup.

"I think you had to much to DriNk CAS."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really."

I looked her in the eye before turning around standing on the counter and yelling.

"WHOOOOOO" I yelled grabbing everyone's attention.

"WHOOOOOO" They all yelled back before turning back around and taking their places again on the dance floor.

I jumped off the counter and turned back to Anna. "I'm good." She put her hands up before waving them in the air and jumping back into the crowd of people.

Thats when it happened . . .

I turned over slightly before a flash of green caught my eyes.


I knew this was coming but I didn't want to think about it. Letting the drinks take over I danced my way towards him and raised my drink in the air remembering what happened at the last  party. Before I knew it I was right by Dean he slowly moved closer unaware who was surrounding him as he closed his eyes and let the music take hold.

I inched closer and pressed my back against his stomach unknowingly before I was violently push away by rough hands that belonged yo no other than Dean Winchester.

"Get off me fag." He spit

I was taken off guard and drunkingly pissed off when I splashed him with my beer and walked outside. Not before i noticed the body following me. Leather jacket, sandy blond hair, green eyes.


Sorry It's a cliff hanger!

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