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Dean's POV

"ME OR THE DRUGS CASTIEL!" I waited for him to speak but no words came. And that hurt, and it scared me, and I will never be the same not without cas.

"Okay then." I walked out of this house. He tried chasing me and talking to me but I was to hurt.

Now here I was left standing, outside my car at 2 am in the pouring rain with the love of my life begging me to stay.

"Goodbye castiel." my voice shook as the tears started again. I leaned in grabbing his face with both of my hands and kissed his forehead, squeezing my eyes shut and praying for the old days. Where nothing was this complicated.

I started to get in the car.

"Dean wait-"

"No cas, just no."

And I drove away, I left cas. I left myself. And I left any chance of happiness.

Castiel's POV

It had been about a week and I still haven't seen dean, these last two years of my life had been a waste.


I know this is expected and typical. But the next chapter is almost finished!

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