A normal life

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Hey guys this song was my chapters inspiration. Isn't it rad?

Comment if I should post more songs.

Castiel's POV

Dean had stayed. But I hadn't found it in myself to forgive him yet. I mean he cheated and I would never forget that but I loved him. I loved him more than anything in the world. Maybe even more than myself.

I started pick up old habits of smoking and drinking and getting high all the time, it had gotten bad. But I didn't care I was now back to the same broken Cas dean had found in this first place. Even thought dean and I had been together about two years now. I still felt further away from him then ever.

Dean's POV

I couldn't deny that something had changed in Cas. He had gotten out of ccontrol.Couldn't stay away from the drugs and his life was slowly slipping it from under him. He needed help. No doubt that he would only get worse.

Cas was still out with his 'friends' right now, I didn't know what time he would stumble in but I knew that when he did come home, he wouldn't be himself.

I had fallen in love with the bad boy punk with piercings and tatoos but this just wasn't Cas.

Castiel walked through the front door closing it quietly as if I was him mother and he was sneaking back in past curfew. I could tell he was high from the way he stumbled and squinted his bright red eyes. He reeked of weed and was breathing heavily, this was not my Cas.

"Cas" his eyes shot towards me as I walked over to him.

"Yeah Dean?"

"Cas are you high?" my voice cracked on the last words and a tear welled up in my eye.

"No dean." it was like a punch to the gut.


How could he lie to me face?

"Cas please baby, don't lie to me." I couldn't stop the quiet flow of tears now spilling down my cheeks.

"Dean im not-"

"NO MORE LIES CAS." I now erupted into sobs. "please dont lie."

"yes" he broke the already deafening silence.

"I want you to stop." the words dripped off my tongue like fire, constricting my lungs with smoke and blistering my mouth.

"Dean. . . I can't do that" and in that moment I fell my chest tighten and my tears stop.

"Cas I am asking you to quit." he looks down to feet and runs a hand through his hair.

"Dean I . . "

"Me or the drugs castiel."


DUNNN DUNNN DUNNNN what will he chose? Comment what you think!!

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