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~At the graveyard~

Castiel's POV

Once I had reached the grave yard I looked around the dreary sight as rain splashed onto my clothes and my hands. Some of the tombstones were piled high with flowers and sorrow, others were sitting quietly their memory fading every passing second.

I walked over to the newest grave stone and set the lilies I got for him over the heap of other flowers.

I looked at the beautiful array of flowers and all I could think was 'its not pretty enough for him.'

A tear spilled from the corner of my eyes and I aimlessly wandered away from his grave. He was my everything, now who do I have? What do I have now that he is gone? I need to tell him I love him. He needs to know.

"Dean i-" my throat was dry from screaming. And I realized I hadn't actually spoken in weeks.

"Dean I love you." I broke. I fell to my knees and sobbed. "I love you so much and I just had to tell you because . . . I am so mad dean." my head hurts and my heart aches. "I love you so much and I know you always said life wasn't fair but I just thought mine would be better."

Then I got up and walked away. I walked away from dean, I walked away from myself, and I walked away from happiness.

But his memory will always live on, through classic rock and classic cars. Through the green candy apple hues that scorch summer days leaving me blind in thought. But most of all, his memory will live on through me.



I know.

Comment for an epilogue!

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