Don't even blink

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Sorry guys in advance because this is going to just be a short filler chapter, but please please please comment or vote it really means the world to me. Maybe some fluff in this chapter......Jk probably not.

Castiel's POV

As I sat on the balcony in front of our house smoking a joint I started thinking more and more about Dean. About how I would've had a real friendship or maybe even a relationship but I already blew it on the first day it started to.

I started thinking about how everything can start so quickly but end just as fast. I assumed that the Dean and I would grow to be better friends, but by assuming I got cocky and ended up ruining it.

Please God I thought please if you're even real, please listen to me now. I need help with this boy, I wish I could just forget him and move on I really wish I could but I can't shake him. If you're even hearing me right now....please I need your help.

Just then a car pulled up along the side walk, a bad ass one at that. I didn't get a look to see who was driving before Gabe stepped out and said something and walked up to the house as the car pulled away.

Everything is happening so fast, right before my eyes. I can't wait for the world. I can't look away. I can't close my eyes. I can't even blink. Dont even blink.


I know sorry. It's really short and bad and it's just a filler but trust me something big is coming......DUM DUN DUNNNNN

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