Home sweet home

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"Seeya samwitch!"

"Bye see you tomorrow!" Sam yelled stepping back inside the house as Gabe and I got into the car.

"Alright Gabriel where am I going?"

"Please call me Gabe."

"Alright Gabe where is your house?"

"Actually dont call me Gabe, sounds wrong coming out of your mouth. And not in a sexy way." He smiled and winked before flipping through my cassette tapes.

"Damn it Gabriel, what's your address!" I was practically yelling now.

"Whoa there big boy take me out for dinner first." He put his hands in the air as a mock sign of surrender.

Some friends Sammy. I mentally slapped myself for offering him a ride home.

"If you don't tell me right now so help me I will make-" He cut me off mid threat.

"666 Fremont St."


"Yes" he turned to me "problem?"

"Like the devils numbers?"

"Well my brothers name is Lucifer soo.... Yeah I guess" he said simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"Your brother's name is Lucifer?"

"Yes. Lucifer, Michael, Castiel, and me Gabriel."

"Weird names." I mumbled starting the car.

"Yeah mom and dad had some sort of angel fetish I guess."


"Um yeah, they both died in a house fire when I was only 4 years old. I don't really remember them." He looked towards the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry man Sammy's and my mom died when he was a kid also. If that makes you feel any better." I concentrated on keeping my eyes forward.

"Why the hell would that make me feel any better?" He turned to me and gave me a Sam bitch face.

"I don't known maybe so you don't feel like your alo-"

"Oh shut up and take a left here."

The only talking that was said the rest of the way to the house was Gabriel giving my directions into the rich people neighborhoods.

"It's that one there." He pointed to the biggest one on the street. With columns and a wrap around balcony.

"Holy shit dude, you live in a frigging castle."

"Close your mouth Winchester, you'll catch flies." I hadn't even realised my mouth was open until that point in which I quickly closed it with a loud gulp in the back of my throat.

"Bye Gabe."

"That's Gabriel to you big boy." He pointed his finger at me and unwrapped another lollipop.

How many would that be now on the 15 minute car ride? 8-9? I lost count already.

"Bye Gabriel."

"Bye Dean-o." He stepped out and closed the car door.

That's when I saw him. Castiel. He was on the balcony smoking what looked like a joint. I couldn't see from this far. But he was gorgeous. Godly.... I swallowed hard and pulled away from the house.

God damn I want want him.

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