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Castiel's POV

Holy fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. What just happened? Did Dean Winchester just flirt with me? No. He's too shy to do that, but holy fuck. He pulled my face so close to his, we were practically kissing. Does it count? No probably not. Okay calm down, get him his aspirin and kindly kick him out of my house.... No I can't kick him out. Shit what do I do? Okay, okay, okay.

I silently walk downstairs where Gabriel was eating his breakfast at the dining room the table.

"Hey Gabe, do you know where the aspirin is?" I glanced over the counter looking for the small white bottle.

"Ummm cabinet door on the right above the stove." I followed Gabes directions until I reached the bottle and walked towards the stairs again.

"Thanks" I yelled over my shoulder.

"Yeah whatever, just tell your boyfriend to sleep in someone else's room next time!" His voice became fainter as I reached the door to his bedroom.

I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open quickly eager to be next to dean again.

"Um here I got you some aspirin." I opened the bottle and shook out two white pills.

"Thanks." He reached for the pills but knocked them out of my hand sending them tumbling to the floor. I knelt down and searched the floor with Dean's help.

"Fuck I'm sorry man." I looked up and found him alarmingly close to my face. "I-I-I'll just get you another one, sorry." I stood up followed by him our eyes never breaking contact. Red crept up my cheeks and I unsuccessfully tried to stop it.

"No problem." I inched closer to him and to my surprise he did not move away.

"U-um" Mindless sounds came from my mouth but I couldn't form words.

I moved closer yet and when he stayed in place. I took that as permission and softly touched my lips to his. The cold metal ring in my lip slowly slid across his mouth. Fireworks erupted in my stomach and my heart flew, I was kissing Dean Winchester, the nerd. Out of all the people I could have, I had to chose him. It would always be him. We stayed like this for a while before he pulled back, his green eyes wide with shock and revelation.

"Um Dean?" I was the first one to break the silence. "You don't look so good." As soon as the words left my lips dean was running to the bathroom again, tightly grasping the edges of the toilet seat as he puked.


Next chapter might take a while....

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