Jocks, punks, and geeks.

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My first day had gone by alright so far, I had met a couple of cool people outside of Castiel. Him and I do have three classes together though, or thats what he said when he looked over my schedule. First period English, third P.E, and seventh history. Castiel was really cool the more I got to know him, I know its only fifth period but I can't wait to seem him in History.

Yay lunch. Every school I go to I've always dreaded lunch the most. Everyone is separated in lunch. Jocks from nerds, geeks from punks, where do I sit?

Ok just go in there sit alone couldn't hurt right? Wrong. Just as I walk in I see the different groups of friends. But my eyes drift towards the jocks, a girl named Charlie I met in science told me about them. Crowley, Dick Roman, and Bartholomew were the ones to worry about she said.

I quietly walk over to an empty lunch table and set my things down. Looking over I meet the gaze of Crowley who is headed over my way.

Great Winchester, just great. Bad enough you already made enemies on your first day but now your going to get embarrassed in front of the whole entire lunch room, perfect. My inner monologue didn't stop the three boys advance on my empty table. Their probably seniors like you. At least Sammy won't have to deal with them he's only a freshman.

"Hello squirrel." Crowley said sitting across the table from me while Bartholomew and Dick sat next to me.

"Who?" I choked out.

"You. Your new name is squirrel, get used to it." He sounded confident and cocky I would be lying if I said I wasn't' intimidated.

"Um-m o-ok-"

"You new?" Bartholomew cut me off.


"What grade you in?"

"Im a senior" I suddenly had more confidence.

"Cool, we're seniors to" he said gesturing to himself, Dick, and Crowley "but we came over so we're 100% clear on this situation, ok?"

All I could manage was a head nod as he inched closer.

"We do whatever we want here, this is our school" I nod again.

"You do what we tell you or your a problem and problems need to be fixed. And trust me when I say we know how to keep our 'friends' in line. Understood?"

"Yes" I feel tears welling up.

"Yes what?"

"Y-yes sir." My voice is barley over a whisper.

"Sorry didn't catch that last bit"

"Yes sir" I state louder this time. Just as a familiar face walks up and plops down right next to Crowley slinging and arm over his shoulder.

"Hiya there buddy" thank god its him.

"Hello Castiel" Crowley sounded less then disappointed and looked down at the lunch table while speaking not daring to look up.

Why is he so sacred of Castiel? More importantly, why is Castiel not sitting with his friends?

I look over at the table where all the punks are. They snicker and watch the leader of their group talk to the leader of the jocks.

"So you know my friend dean over here?" he asked looking over at me with his bluer than blue eyes. That's not fair, nobody should be able to be that gorgeous. I felt a deep blush running up my cheeks so I quickly turn my head to the ground.

"We were just getting 'acquainted' Cassie."

"Looked like it" he focused his stare on Bartholomew "don't mind me keep going." Castiel smiled smugly.

"N-no I think we're done here." Crowley replied hurriedly standing up, while Bartholomew and Dick followed.

Suddenly Castiel shot out of his seat and furiously grabbed the collar of the other boy's jacket in both hands and pulled his face right up to Crowley's.

"Damn right you are" Castiel spits through gritted teeth as he shook with anger "and if I ever see you threatening my friends again-" friends? We were friends?

"I swear I'll rip your spine out through your mouth." His voice was quiet and terrifying. His anger was so great he did not need to yell, he did not need to scream, and he did not need to fight. But he did put the fear of God in Crowley as spoke slowly and horrifying.

"Now give the order colonel " as he said the last word most of the kids 'Ooh' and some laugh at this, but I have no idea what he means.

"Go on" Castiel's smile was smug and venomous as he spoke calmly

"Give the order colonel runaway" once again I dont understand the joke but I look over at Castiel's usual table to see his friends laugh and passing others money like someone had bet on him doing some thing.

Crowley's voice was barely audible as he spoke terrified. "Run away boys" this seemed childish to anyone who wasn't in on the joke and apparently that was me. Run away? Why would he tell him to say that?

"Atta boy" Cas smoothed out the sides of his collar before turning towards me as Crowley, Dick, and Bartholomew ran out of the cafeteria as fast as they could while Cas laughed and a smile stretched across his face.


This chapter just kinda happened idk.

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