To good?

970 44 14

Castiel's POV

Everything with Dean and I had been really good ever since that day. Maybe to good? I couldn't believe it, everything was good. He spent the night last night. I mean he basically lived here now anyway. Sam was always complaining about how Dean wasn't home.

"Dean?" I yelled as I walked down stairs still in my pajamas with the smell of bacon filling the air.

"In here!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I walked up behind him and kissed his neck lightly, wrapping my arms around his hips.

"Mmm, breakfast." He spun around and caught my chin in his hand pulling my face to his.

"Eww guys please not in the kitchen." Sam called walking by.

"Sammy?" Dean questioned "what are you even doing at Cas' house?"

"I was with Gabe." His cheeks turned red as he hurried down the hall to Gabes room.

I turned back to dean. "Think somethings going on there?"

"Maybe, always knew something was wrong with Sam. I mean Gabriel? Really? He is a little short."

I whacked him on the back of the head and ran into the living room, away from Dean, who was currently chasing me around the house in slippery socks on the wooden floors.

"Please Dean I didn't mean it just stop." I begged as his fingers dug into my sides sending another wave of laughter through the room. "Please!"

"Not until you apologize!"

"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry!" I put my hands up and ran back for the kitchen realizing the bacon Dean was cooking was not smoking on the pan brunt to a black crisp. "Damn." I grabbed the handle and flipped the ruined food into the garbage can.

Dean's POV

Everything with Cas was amazingly good, maybe too good?


I hoped you guys liked this chapter, I feel like I've been updating a lot lately! : )

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