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Dean's POV

~Two weeks later~

It's been two weeks since I've talked with Castiel, I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I barely even know the guy, but there was something about him that makes me wonder. Over the two weeks I made friends....and enemies. My two best friends are Charlie and Anna, they dont care that I'm gay, but Crowley on the other hand found out somehow and is not okay with it.

"Hey Anna" I said as she followed beside me going into the lunch room.

"Hey, have you seen Charlie today?" She asked her red hair bounced at her shoulders as we walked.

"Yeah I saw her and Becky making out today behind the bleachers in the gym." I scrunched my face tougher in disgust. "I wish I could un-see it."

"Eww Becky?" she looked just as grossed out.

"Yeah Becky"

"Wait No Butt Becky, or Big Boobs Becky?"

"No Butt Becky" I said and he put her finger in her mouth and pretended to gag.

"If we are her wing men we are going an awful job and should be fired."

"No we should have been fired last week when she smacked Hannah's ass." I argued.

"Her ass isn't that bad."

"As if, I swear if it hangs any lower someone might trip over it."

"Haha dean, you are so gay." We laughed as we walked over to the lunch table and sat down by Charlie.

"Hey Charles." Anna said plopping down beside her and I on the other side of the table facing them.

"Hey Anna." She tucked her short red hair behind her ear.

"Soooo, heard about you and Becky." Anna said holding back a laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"Dean saw you too sucking each others faces off behind the bleachers, that's what I mean." she folded her arms across her chest mocking sarcasm.

"Oooohhhh that..." she pretended to be embarrassed.

"Haha yeah that" Anna and I laughed while Charlie kept a smug look on her face "really though No Butt Becky? You could do so much better."

"She's a good kisser." she explained simply.

"Yeah looks like it." I said laughing and stealing a grape from her lunch tray.

"Hey" Anna said "there's gonna be this huge party tonight at the Novak's place, we should all totally go." My heart sank at the name.

I spoke up "Umm I don't thin-"

"Oh Come on it'll be fun." Charlie cut me off putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" I gave in with a sigh "but you guys aren't aloud to leave my side, at all, not once"

"Yes" they both pumped their fists in the air and high-fived each other "we will gladly accompany you, Dean Winchester, to your first party."

"Wait wait wait, why do you guys think this is my first party?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Well isn't it?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah" I whispered lowering my head in feign shame.

"Great Anna and I will pick you up around eight alight?"

"Yeah alright." And with that the lunch bell rang and Charlie and I walked to sixth hour together.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Like a C.D. on replay. Avoid Castiel, read, finish my homework, avoid castiel, repeat. Until school ended.

"Hey Sammy" I greeted Sam as he claimed into the Impala.

"Hey Dean"

"Umm I'm going to a party tonight, so are you alright at home alone tonight for a little while?"

"Eh yeah I guess, since when do you go to parties?" he asked turning towards me.

"Shut up bitch."


The rest of the ride was silent, when we got home I finished my homework then read for a little bit then watched cartoons until I looked at my clock and it read 7:36

"Shit" I quickly got off of my bed and dialed Anna's number.

Hey dean she answered

"Anna come over now"

Why, what's wrong?

"I have no clue what to wear"

I heard her laughing on the other line.

"Anna this is not funny, I need help"

Okay, okay clam down Charlie and I will be there in 10. She hung up and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay dean this is just a party at Castiel's house calm down. No reason be anxious, calm down, calm down." I repeated over and over to myself.

Knock knock knock

"I'll get it Sammy!" I yelled running down the stairs.

"It's Sam!" he yelled back.

I ran to the door and over it was open Anna and Charlie were already pushing their way inside.

"Come on Winchester we got work to do." Anna said walking in the wrong direction to my room.

"Other way Anna!" I yelled

"Right." she said pointing her finger in front of her as she stomped up the stairs.

Charlie and I laughed and followed her to my room and found Anna already attacking my closet throwing clothes on my bed. Finally after 10 minutes of debate they decided on black skinny jeans and a red, yellow and orange tie dye shirt I want even aware I owned, with black vans, and a black beanie.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing the new clothes.

"Totally bangable" Charlie said.

"I would tap that." Anna chimed in. "To bad your not straight."

"Alright guys lets go" I said grabbing my keys, Charlie swatted them out of my hand.

"No driving tonight, we're gonna be to drunk." Anna explained

"But its a 15 minute car ride" I argued.

"Its a 5 minute walk if cut through the field and a couple of lawns."

"Alright lets just get going." Charlie said waking out the door.


Hey guys, I'm pretty proud of this chapter. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes I didn't have time to go through and correct.

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