A new hope

782 42 13

Castiel's POV

I let him go.


I jumped off the couch and ran to the front door grabbing dean by the arm. "Please Dean just stay and let me say something." I pulled him by the hand back over to the couch where I made him sit and listen. "Dean do you love her?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"No Cas I could never love anyone else." he grabbed my hands and inched closer to me "Cas you're the love of my life and no on will ever replace that, ever." My heart melted, he really loved me. it was true.

"Then what's the problem?" My voice quivered, I was hurt no doubt but I loved Dean and I won't let him go for anything.

"Wha- whats the problem?! I cheated on you!" my heart faltered a bit more. " I don't ever want to hurt you again baby, ever."

"Then stay."


It's kinda shitty really really short chapter but idgaf

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