Actual apologies

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Dean's POV

The morning after the party I felt absolutely terrible about what happened with Cas. I know he didn't want me but I had to say I was sorry, even if he didn't want to hear what I had to say.

I stopped the impala's engine and silently walked up the driveway and steps up tonhis front door. I just hoped he is home.

As I knocked on the door my stomach turned tonknoys and my hands grew sweaty.

Hopefully I don't make a fool out of myself.

I sighed as Gabrielnopened the door and stood blankly in front of me.

"Hello dean-o, what can I do for ya?"

"Is cas here I really need to talk to him." I scratched the back of my neck and hoped cas didn't tell dean about what happened last night.

"Yeah come in, he's in his room, I'll grab him for ya."

I walked in and sat down on the couch as gave ran up the stairs to castiel's room.

When gabe came running down the stairs once more I rose to my feet.

"He's up there just go in the first door to your left."

I nodded "thanks."

My feet felt heavier as I trudged up the stairs and into the room on the left.

Once inside I saw cas sitting on his bed smoking out of a pipe.

"Hey cas." I made my way over to the bed and sat down. "I wanna talk about last night."

Castiel's POV

"Cas someone is here to see you." Gabe barged into my room and told me while I was in the middle of a joint.

"Okay just send them in." I didn't know who I expected but who walked through the door seconds later was the furthesters person from my thoughts.

"Hey cas." I heard footsteps approach the bed. "I wanna talk about last night."


Another cliff hanger I know but something big is gonna happen.
DUN DUN DUNNN. Yeah its gonna be great.

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