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Castiel's POV

Anger blurred my vision as I saw Crowley approach Dean and sit by him. Before I knew it I was holding Crowley by his shirt collar and bringing up Colonel Runaway incident that happened so long ago.


"Come on run and cry little baby." I heard Crowley say as he kicked the boy on the ground in the stomach again. As the crowd stood and watched.

"P-please st-." The poor boy couldn't even get the words out before coughing up more blood.

"What? Sorry didn't catch that." he landed another kick to the boys side.

"Hey!" I yelled to Crowley walking towards the large mass of students.

"Get lost Novak." he quickly disregarded me and kicked the boy again I later figured out his name was Samandriel and he was a really cool guy.

"Big mistake" I said lunging at him punching him square in the jaw and knocking him on the ground.

"Oh really Novak?" He stood up rubbing his jaw.

"Yeah really." he charged me but I quickly dodged him and kneed him in the stomach pushing him down. I put my foot to the back of his head, keeping him on the ground. Bartholomew and Dick stepped out of the crowd towards me.

"Ah, ah, ah. Stay back." I pushed his head harder I to the ground. "Tell them to run away Crowley." when he didn't respond I pushed down on my foot causing him to wince in pain. "Go on, say it."

"B-boys go on"

"No, no. I said run away, I want people to know you for being the colonel runaway. I want people to laugh as you walk down the hallway because they were just in the presence of colonel runaway, and if you think you can mess with people in my school....well you go another thing coming got it? Now tell them."

"Run away boys do as I say."

"Good" people that grouped around us started chanting- colonel runaway. Over and over.

I walk over to Samandriel and help him up.

"You alright?"

"Umm I think." he tries to stand but just falls over again.

" Come on" I sling his arm over my shoulder "I'll walk you to the nurse."


"Dont mention it."

~End flashback~

"What the hell was that about man?" Deans eyes widened as he stared at me.

"Crowley is an old friend" I smiled and took a seat next to dean.


Sorry this cheaper is so short and it took so long to update, kinda having writers block and I'm drowning in school work.

Please excuse all spelling errors didn't have time to go back through and edit.

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