My Hero Wears Chuck Taylor's

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AN- Chuck Taylor's are Converse, just in case some of you didn't know.

Castiel's POV

The party was in full swing, good music, good beer, and hot chicks. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more radical Dean Winchester walks in. But he had two hot chicks on his arms. One I knew, her name was Charlie. She was gay so no worries. And the other was Anna and she was dating Benny so I guess I was just paranoid. I mean he is  gay soo.

I shouldn't care anyways it's not like we're dating or anything, I mean I only knew him for like a day! But damn did he look good tonight. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue V-neck which I thought looked decent but wow, his outfit made me think a lot of things and let me tell you not one of those thoughts were decent. 

After I had gotten a few drinks in me I decided to go dance which was probably a bad idea. As I was jumping and moving my body to the sound pouring out of the speakers, I felt someone star grinding onto my body at first I couldn't identify the mysterious person but once I caught sight of the long red curls I knew that is was Abaddon. Don't get me wrong she wasn't ugly...... just not my type. My type is green eyes, freckles, and blonde hair. But for some reason I didn't push her off and go dance with someone else, No, I just kept dancing. I wanted to move, to go and drink my troubles away on the back porch, but I just kept dancing. 

Soon after, the 'dancing' turned into a heated make out session on the top of the stairs. As Abaddon and I were kissing I hear a yell coming from the bottom of the stairs. I ran over to see what it was.

"Really Castiel, what the Hell!" Abaddon shrieked at me while I walked to the bottom of the stairs leaving her standing alone.  

There I see Balthazar pushing some dude up against the wall, but the dude did not look 'happy' about it. But then I get a closer look at who it was, my vision blurred and I took an angry step forward and yelled. 

"Hey!" I was having a hard time comprehending what to do, I was so mad.

Balthazar turned around quickly. "What do you want Castiel, I'm kinda busy."

"That's what I'm hear to discuss, Balthazar ."   Dean's eyes roll to the back of his head as his body goes limp, hits the floor, and I lunge towards Balthazar.


Sorry this has taken so loonngg. But I promise I will try and update more often.

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