My Savior

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Dean's POV

No no no no no no, this was not happening. No way, this can't happen. I don't want this!

My drunken body couldn't find the strength to push off Balthazar, no matter how much I willed it to happen, I just could not do it, I was absolutely helpless. My mind turned into a foggy haze as I heard a voice yell behind me and everything goes black. 

                                   -Time skip brought to you by drunken idiots.....Yay!-

I woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee, and food did not sound too delightful to my tender, hungover stomach. I covered my mouth and ran for the bathroom, my drinks from last night threatening to make a reappearance. That's when I realized I was still at Castiel's house.....throwing up in his bathroom toilet, classy. Now I was starting to regret the drinks I carelessly  chugged last night at the party, but let me tell you, the Novaks know how to party. Not that I really remember much towards the end. 

"Yeah they don't taste the same coming up do they?" I looked around to see Castiel standing in the doorway of the bathroom drinking a cup of coffee. This was a sight I could get used to. His shirtless figure leaned against the doorway with defined abs and back muscles. The way his hair was unruly and tousled, his black sweatpants that hung low on his hips. 

"U-um y-yeah, not quite the same." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and stood up, the nausea already fading.  

"We got breakfast downstairs if you're hungry." He shifted uncomfortably and ran a hand through his hair. 

"No thanks, I think I lost my appetite." He laughs and it moves through his whole body, if I didn't have the worst headache in the world then I might have taken pleasure in hearing it. 

"Haha alright, if you change your mind... you know where to find me." He started walking out but I caught his arm before he left the bathroom pulling his face closer to mine so his hot breath brushed against my face as he exhaled. His crystal blue eyes went wide with shock and stared into mine as I spoke.

"Actually, do you have any aspirin, my head hurts like a bitch." I dropped his arm, never breaking eye contact, and silently congratulated myself at the sudden burst of courage. 

"U-um yeah let me go grab it real quick.." He stumbled out of the bathroom down the stairs almost tripping on the last one. Quietly I took my seat back on the bed feeling satisfied with his reaction.  

Holy shit, Castiel is talking to me. And there is a possibility that it's not just because I fell asleep on his brothers bedroom floor. Holy shit!  I thought.


Hey guys sorry this took so long, I know I say that on like every  chapter but I will try and update more so please keep reading.....3 votes for the next chapter!

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