Not Really Apologies

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Dean's POV

The party was bumpin and tons of people were there. Including Castiel. I hadn't really paid much attention to Castiel until he was pressed flush with my stomach and dancing against me. I didn't know what to do so I reacted in the worst way possible.

"Get off me fag." And I pushed him away before he spilled his beer on me and everyone stared as he stormed out the door.

My mind was fuzzy as I followed Cas out onto the lawn along with everyone else in the house. I don't know what they expected to see. But whatever they wanted, they would get. Castiel broke my heart. And that changed me, not for the better. Honestly I wasn't sure if I even cared about him. I don't care.

Castiel's POV

I quickly realized it was Dean following me out to the lawn . . .  along with everyone else that was in the house. As Dean approached me the crowd soon formed a tight circle around us. What was he doing? Dean wouldn't want to fight him would he? Would Dean really do that?

"What's going on Dean?" My voice quivered as he stepped closer. I knew I could beat Dean in a fight but I didn't want it to come to that.

"You think you could just pull that and get away with it Novak? Well you were sadly mistaken." He threw a punch that I dodged and the crowd took a couple steps back 'ooh's' and 'ahhs' erupting from their mouths. 

"Dean please don't do this." He threw another punch this time landing it perfectly onto my jaw sending me flying towards the ground.

"Plea-" I only managed to get out before another blow sent me into black.

Dean's POV

Castiel was still unconscious in the front lawn but I didn't care maybe I was to drunk, to sad, to hurt.


Idk about this chapter

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