The punk

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Castiel's POV

Yay school  I thought as I groggily stepped out of bed, snoozed my alarm clock and trudged into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I slowly take out my eyebrow bar, snake bites, and multiple ear piercings.

I stepped into the shower letting the warm water stream over my shoulders and undo the knots in my back. As I'm running my hands through my soaked hair I hear a knock on the door. I turned down my radio blasting creep by Radiohead.

"Hurry up 10 minutes before we leave!" I recognized my younger brother Gabriel's voice, he was a freshman.

"Alright I'm done." I yelled turning off the water. And stepping onto the cold tile floor of the bathroom, steam radiating off of my body.

In my bedroom I pulled on my ripped black skinny jeans, a baggy dark purple shirt, black vans, and a black beanie before putting my piercings back in.

"Ready?" I said hopping down the stairs seeing siblings sitting in the couch. Lucifer was the oldest 28, Michael was 22, I was 18, and Gabriel was 15. I was a senior. One more year and I was out.

"I've been waiting for half an hour." Gabriel snapped

"Sorry" I looked out our window, it looked like I was about to rain. Our living room was huge which fit the description of the house, huge. We even had our own pool. Our family was very wealthy.

"Lets go" I picked up my keys off of the coffee table and walked outside. I even had a nice car all black Lamborghini with black rims. Yeah I'm a little spoiled.

"It smells like weed in here Castiel"

"You'll get over it Gabriel." I pulled out a cigarette and lit it in the car.

"Really in the car?"

"Why not?"

"You could get cancer"

"Live fast die young"

"You do it best"

I threw my head back and laughed.

"Onwards and upwards my friend" I said pulling up to the school parking lot.

"Onwards and upwards."


Sorry this is such a short chapter kinda busy with Christmas stuff right now....leave feedback?

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