Chapter 17

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After me and stars fight we was not talking. Still keeping my word on helping her I let her stay. I had busted her lip really bad and I felt bad.

Stressed out I wasn't answering my phone and the mail was piling up. I just needed a break. Good thing Demetre saved me on an outing.

To keep star out my business we went out instead. That was cool but he was acting unlike himself. It was his look that had me on edge.

I didn't know what his problem was but it made me uncomfortable. We talked and I was ready to go already. Suddenly he had other plans. I was just ready to go.

Telling him he gave in and dropped me back off. Once I got home star was up in my living room smoking weed and drinking. Sucking my teeth I sat down next to her.

Rolling up my own weed I smoked on my own blunt. Star was on mute. She didn't say shit at all. Which was completely weird. She was never this quiet ever.

We've been in so many fights and arguments to the point where it was normal but, not this time she was really like up to some shit.

Saying fuck it I showered and took my high ass to bed. The next morning my phone was ringing off the hook. Finally getting up I grabbed my ringing ass phone.

"Bitch get your ass up and come fucking see me. Don't give me no weak ass excuse either. I'll have somebody come shoot that Bitch up. On my mama I need you to come visit me today!" Soulja must have lost his fucking mind.

Rolling my eyes I let the time run out. Getting up I walked through the house wiping crust out my eyes. To my surprise star was not in the house anywhere.

That's weird she was here last night. That Bitch up to some shit. Let me find out I thought. Getting dressed I figured I should go see what Soulja was so pissed about.

I do have a life and he is not my Damn son. I have real life shit to take care of. All my time and money can't just go to him. Finally done I got in the car.

Pulling up to the jail I went inside to visit him. Waiting on him I sat there nervous and hands sweating. Once he came he was mugging me hard.

Sitting in front of me he then opened his mouth to talk. "What's this I hear you been fucking with a married man?" He said almost to calm. "Why is that Bitch star in my fucking house to?" He asked again.

"I'm not fucking no married man. So whoever feeding you information need they ass beat for even trying me. She got put out. How you know she there?" I asked.

"Bitch I know everything have you forgot. To tell you though she came and seen me yesterday. She said all my letters sitting on the fucking counter in the kitchen. Oh and the nigga wife came to my house." He said.

"That's some real bullshit on star part for lying. First of all that Bitch a smoker and that's how she lost her spot. The real reason she mad because I beat her ass outside the club and busted her lip." I said pissed off.

"Look I understand I'm in here fucked up but a married man. I'll kill you myself. Check that shit. You know I'll shut down the whole fucking operation. You got two weeks." He said.

Once he got up he walked off on me leaving me speechless. On my way back home I got there to some grey Mercedes Benz in my drive way. Wiping my face I got out my car.

Then some dark skin chick got out the car. I was at my door with my purse in my hand with soulja's pistol in reach. She walked up on me with a smirk.

"Are you Tameka?" she asked me. "Yeah who want to know?" I asked with attitude already mad as fuck. "My name is Candice I'm Demetre's wife." She said.

Opening up my door I let her inside. I guess this Bitch ass nigga is fucking married I'm so embarrassed to say the least. We stood there silent.

Then I sat my purse down and went to grab my wine I needed a drink for this shit. She to followed me and sat on my stool. Looking at her she kept fucking smirking.

I wasn't scared I just wished she spoke the fuck up already. "So how come your involved with my husband?" She asked me.

"Look the nigga never wore a ring. The first time I ever even talked to him he was eating my pussy in an office to convince me to dance in his club." I said really pissed off.

"Your a stripper?" She asked. "Obviously." I said shrugging my shoulders. "So you slept with him?" She asked. "On different occasions." I said sipping my wine.

"That's crazy he married to me and we have kids." She said. "Look I didn't fucking know. Besides why you not checking your husband and how you know where I stay?" I asked irritated.

"I followed him. I already asked him but of course he wasn't going to be as honest as you are right now. Now I won't fault you this time. Now that you know he is married you'll leave my husband alone. Next time it won't be a friendly visit." She said getting up.

"Excuse me?" I said. It sounded like she threaten me. "You heard what I said Tameka next time not a friendly visit." She said.

"Bitch please and get the fuck out of my damn house." I said walking her to the door. "By the way nice house." She said before I shut the door in her stupid ass face.

I felt so damn dumb. I really can't believe star went behind my back and went to visit Soulja. That was some real dirty shit.

After I took her crackhead ass in she turned on me. I should of been stopped fucking with her when I caught her sucking dope off soulja's dick.

Just like my Damn sister but I gave her dusty, broke ass a chance. Something I didn't give my own blood sister. I was really about ready to pop her ass now.

I was too mad. My man was in my prison, my boyfriend was married, and my so called best friend just turned on me.

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