Chapter 37

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Waking up from the night before to my phone was hell. Rome was sending me all kinds of nasty messages. To my surprise him and Demetre got into a fight.

I had absolutely nothing to do with that. Letting him know that he agreed to let me keep my job. Almost being fired for Demetre stupidity had me on edge.

Only I had other shit to think about and that was finding my niece. Trying to go back to will was no use. "I told you she wasn't here!" Will yelled in my face.

Driving around I went to the trap spot. I know this sound weird but I was looking for my sister. I figured she might needed to know her daughter was missing.

Going in the trap spot I asked around for my sister. "Y'all seen Trisha or tbone?" I asked. One dude who looked fucking disgusting stopped me.

"Hey miss lady I know tbone." He said. I looked at him for more information but he just stood there stupidly.

"Okay and where would she be?" I asked. Then the guy held out his hand. You cannot be serious right now. You got to pay for information around here.

Well ain't this little crack head smart. I wonder how many folks come around here looking for their junkie families.

Pulling out a twenty I gave it to him. "Now talk man it's important." I said. "She over in building D first door to your left." He said.

The guy walks off so fast I couldn't ask nothing else. Making it to the building I knocked. Screwing up my face it smelt bad.

Like piss, ass and everything else I was beyond grossed the fuck out. I kept knocking but nobody was answering.

I was getting annoyed standing there holding my Damn nose. Then I noticed some old head lady shaking her head.

"What?" I asked her. She kept watching me the whole time. "Girl don't nobody knock just walk on in." She said still shaking her head at me.

How was I to know I don't just roll up in trap spots to chill. This shit new to me. "Thank you." I said. As she still watched.

This lady is nosey that's for sure. Opening up the door I smelt more stanking shit I couldn't deal. Looking around for my sister I found her.

She was laying on a dirty ass mattress in some dirty ass clothes. Kicking the mattress to wake her I held my nose. "Trish get up now!" I said still kicking the mattress.

"What the fuck?" She said apparently still high off dope. "Oh tameka my sister. Wait Tameka! What you doing here?" She asked.

Sitting up she tried to fix her nappy ass hair. It was really no use she needed to snatch the whole thing off and get some real treatment.

"Get up it's Moe." I said. "What about Moe?" She said. "She is missing I don't know where she at." I said worried.

Trish then laughed at me. I mugged my sister. Me telling my sister her daughter was missing didn't snap her out of it?

What the hell they putting in her shit because I didn't find that be fucking funny at all. "You really worried about my baby huh?" She asked.

This bitch sound stupid my only niece you damn right I'm worried. "You know you always wanted my little Moe to be yours." She said.

"Trish I don't have time to sit here and do all this with you." I said. "Its true though meka you always wished my daughter was yours." She said.

Obviously this bitch still high and I don't don't have time for the stupid shit. "Look cut the bullshit you need to get up and help me find her." I said.

"No you need to get the fuck out of here miss fancy pants. High and mighty meka. I know where my Damn daughter at." She said.

"Where is she?" I asked not believing her ass for one second. "She out making us some money so we can get some blow and get fucking high as a kite." She said.

"Bitch stop lying for I kick you in your rotten ass mouth!" I said. Then my sister laughed. "You don't believe me huh? You don't believe me. Go to the parking lot." She said.

"What?" I asked. "She in the parking lot in a grey charger with our dealer Trey making us some money." She said.

Walking out to the parking lot I looked for a grey charger. Finding it I walked up to the car. Looking inside I found Trey and my niece.

My jaw dropped. I cried in so much hurt. Moe was sucking dick as he sat there with his head back and his eyes closed.

Snatching the car door open I pulled Moe ass out the car. The drug dealer Trey was pissed I interrupted his head session. "Auntie?" She said in shame.

"No Moe no." I said crying. "Is it true? You been getting high with your mama?" I asked. "So what if I have?" She said.

"Baby no you so much better than this . This is not what I meant by getting out and being independent Moe please." I said hurt and crying.

"Oh well it is what it is I'm finally with my mama now. This what I won't. I got to make my money please just leave." She said.

Standing there crying I shook my head. "Just come with me please Moe just stop. Don't do this." I said.

"Go with you? Auntie no you got a hit out on yo damn self. I'm good I promise. I'm with my mama I'm fine." She said.

Crying so hard I was so hurt to see her like this and talking like this. "Moe please." I begged. "Look bitch she said she not going so get the fuck away from my car." Trey said.

"Nigga fuck you! You aint nobody. You gone rot in hell for this shit." I told him. "Auntie just go please." Moe asked.

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