Chapter 2

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Jades pov

I woke up on the floor chained up. It was cold and i was scared. I could feel a bruise forming on my head were my dad slammed his beer bottle at. I probably look like a mess right now. Just as i was about to close my eyes to rest a little more somebody walked in to the room when i looked up it was the same man that kidnapped me.
"Boy was he handsome. I didn't like him though especially for kidnapping me. Wait i almost forgot he had fangs sticking out and he bit me!" When he walked closer to me i flinched i was tired of getting beat.

"Hello beautiful", he said. "why were you covered in glass". I just stared at him and didn't say a word. "If you don't start talking i will punish you and you will not like it either". I finally gave in and said, "my father did it." "Poor baby",  he said with a chuckle.

Which made me sad and mad at the same time. I now just realized that i had tears streaming down my cheeks. He unchained me and grabbed me ruffly then threw me into a different room.

It was so nice it had a king size bed and the walls were a creamy color and there was a walk in closet and bathroom. When i was looking around the room i didn't even notice that he went to the closet and grabbed a over sized T-shirt and some huge sweat pants.

"Put these on." Just as i was about to go to the bathroom room. He stopped me and said "in front of me". I started shaking in fear of what he could do to me. I slowly unzipped my jacket and my jeans then i took my shirt of and now i was now only in my bra and panties.

"stay like that don't move", he said. I started to panic and close my eyes not wanting to see what was about to happen. He then started touching on all of my bruises and then he told me to turn around.

When I turned around he felt of the scars from my dad whip. All i heard was laughing behind me. "So you have a abusive father he says then he turns me around and tells me to put the clothes on."

The clothes he gave me are really baggy. When I'm done he stood  in front of me and tells me how short i am like i didn't know that my own self. Then he starts telling me how I'm going to be his slave. "Wait did he just say slave?" "Im not going to be your slave!" I yelled. Then he slapped me.

"Your going to follow these rules and if you don't you will be punished. Rule 1 only call me master. Rule 2 do whatever i tell you. Number 3 never talk back and you have to be by my door with breakfast at eight in the morning sharp if not you will be punished." "You got that",he said. "Y-yes." "Yes what", he said with a grin. "yes master", i say while crying you don't start till tomorrow."

As i sit in the corner and he's on the bed on his phone he stands up and says "I'm hungry", with red eyes. In a flash he's by me and is holding me against the wall. Then he bites into my neck and i let out a scream.

Once he done he licks the mark he left on my neck and he steps away with my blood on his chin. "Your blood is so delicious."Then he leaves the room.
Before i even knew it my face and the ground meets and i blank out.

Next morning

I wake up to look at the time and it says 8:05 . "Oh snaps I'm late and i don't even know were his room is!" I stood up fast and ran out of the door while I'm running i bump into my kidnapper.

Man he looks really pissed. He grabbed me by my throat and in a flash we was in this room he held me against the wall. When he was doing that i felt tingles. "What the heck is happening!"


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